Chapter One

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As my mum, my 15 year old brother Dylan and I brought the last of the boxes into our new home from the moving van, I stared at the fairly bare insides of our house with bittersweet feelings. I was glad to be getting away from my embarrassing, scary and confronting memories back at my beloved home in Sydney but I wasn't all to thrilled about why we were moving to this little coastline town of Budgewoi. I mean seriously, what kind of name is Budgewoi for a town?!  

"Well, since I've done my part of bringing in the last of our belongings, I am off to bed." Yawned Dylan. Out of our family, Dylan was probably the only one who was the most excited to leave Sydney. Dylan was your typical surfer boy, he had the dirty blonde hair which had a slight dread lock appearance, and he just had the stereotypical surfer boy attitude. So you could only imagine his excitement when he found out we were moving to a town which was basically bordered by surf beaches. Mum only moved here because she believes what she thinks what she is doing is best for me and Dylan. You may be wondering what my dad thought of all of this moving dilemma, he passed away six months ago. My mum was pretty torn up about it and Dylan didn't know how to deal with his feelings and I, I was a mess. But that depressing story can be saved for another time.  

Around eight months ago I had applied for a place at the Hunter School of Performing Arts which was just a few train stops away from Budgewoi. I applied because I used to love dancing, dancing was what my life revolved around and now, I can't bring myself to do it anymore.  

My mum and I got in a bit of a tiff because of this. I wanted to deny my place in the school because I would be accepting an offer which would not be true to which I had applied. The teachers would expect me to dance because that is what my application had stated but since I have lost my complete interest for the art, it seems pretty pointless, don't ya think?  

My mum on the other hand, has the idea that if I am surround by a school which can offer dance training, I may pick up dancing again. I doubt it will happen but I am mainly going here because if mum thinks if she is doing the best for us and if she is kept busy, maybe it will keep her mind off dad. 

"You do know that your bed isn't set up yet," I called to Dylan as he trudged up the stairs. He turned around as if he was going to say something but he flipped me off and kept walking. I scoffed at his attitude and decided to go hit the sack in my room too. 

"Where do you think you're going?" My mum asked sternly. I turned tiredly and replied, 

"To bed. Why?"  

"I want to talk to you about your first day of school tomorrow." She said softly. 

"Wait, I start tomorrow! We only just moved here!" I said startled. 

"Yes I know, but the school wanted you to start as soon as you could because they would love to have your talent as apart of the school as soon as possible. Which is another thing I wanted to talk to you about." Mum said while hanging her head low. I instantly knew what she meant by 'talent'.  

"Woah, no, no way! No! I am not going to take up a dance elective in my last semester of year eleven!" I said angrily. 

"But hun, you were accepted into the school because you could dance, it would be unfair for those who actually wanted a place in the school and then there's you who just willingly throws away the reason she wanted to attend the school in the first place!" My mums voice was rising in pitch, which was always a sign which she was angry.  

I was over having the same argument time and time again with mum so I just turned on my heel and walked out the door into the streets of Budgewoi.  

I tried to hold back tears as I held a fast pace down the street. I am sometimes also an aggressive person, so it was probably in her best interest that I left before anyone got hurt. 

I stopped by a Domino's Pizza shop to look at my reflection in the lighted window. My shaggy, Blonde bob hung just below my chin and my green eyes which were framed by mascara has now slightly run. I wiped the mascara away and looked into the window of the pizza shop. Three boys were being idiots throwing garlic bread around. They truly looked like they were having fun and that they actually enjoyed being in this coastal town.  

Their fun was ruined when their manager came in and told them to stop mucking around and get back to work.  

I guess I'm not the only one who's fun usually gets ruined by parental authority.


It was 8:00 in the morning and I was on my way down to the Budgewoi train station to catch the train to school today.  

Mum had left my uniform on my bed with a scrappy note saying, 

'Had to take Dylan to get his uniform replaced, was given wrong size, He'll probably be late to school, love, mum xx'

I boarded the train which was to take me to the Hunter School of Performing Arts. I looked around to see who else was boarding the train, a few working stiffs, the rare casual person, a couple of pensioners, and a handful of 5 or six students who wore the same daggy uniform as me. White shirt, blue tie, and blue tartan skirt. Unless you are a guy, then shorts/pants or more of your uniform.  

I had a look at some of the other kids who were wearing the same uniform. There were probably four distinct boys, who all had a sort of skater-emo look, but they weren't the full on, black eyeliner, white faces, dyed black hair sort of thing. There were two girls who had long obviously dyed black hair, with lots of eye makeup but at the same time they maintained to look semi-natural and not caked up. In fact a few of those boys look familiar for some odd reason.  

Today I had my shaggy blonde bob sitting natural and wavy, with a bit of brown eyeliner framing my eyes with a coat of black mascara. I prefer not to wear foundation, as I like my freckles to shine through on my face.  

When the train pulls up I notice the group of students board on the carriage further down, so I decide to join them on the same one just so when we arrive I can get an idea of where to go. As they all sit down laughing about something, when I walk past I seem to grab their attention.  

Their conversation bubbles down to a murmur but I keep walking further down the aisle and sit by the window. I try to avoid their gaze so there are no awkward looks, I reach down to my bag to grab my MP3 player and as I sit back up, I meet their gazes. I decided not to come as a rude bitch by giving them a cold hard stare so I smile warmly and wave slightly before turning away to look out the window. They all return the kind gesture warmly.  

I don't know whether its because something is in the water here but everybody so far in Budgewoi has seemed kind.  

Maybe I'll enjoy it here after all.

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