You care! Pt15

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Tori's POV:

Im in my own version of panic mode . which is sitting on my bed and Listening to depressing music, because It suits my personality and mood.of course I have my diet lemonade in my hand.

It's currently half past seven. Charlie isn't home , he's probably just staying over at Nick's . I can stand Nick , 'like' is probably pushing it . Though Charlie seems to be comfortable to talk to him about things.

I can hear mum downstairs grumbling about something.I'm getting a bit peckish, I know mum's not in a good enough mood to cook anything . Dad's  away on a business trip,so I'm the one taking care of Oliver which I don't mind , it's just I have other things I need to get done. I walk downstairs to make myself a something. I get myself some toast , a cheese  and ham sandwich for Oliver.

Mum's pacing around the living room on a call , probably with dad.I don't pay much attention , I fill my glass up again and start heading back upstairs.I hear mum shouting through the phone "NO he's just an attention seeking teenage BOY!!" I walk back to the living room when I hear her .Anger fills me because I know she is talking about Charlie .


"UGH I give up . Good night Julio"

Janes POV:

Now Julio's acting like a child. I don't know and I don't give a shit about where that kid is!.I knew we should have disciplined more, when he was younger.he just gets away with more than he should . This so called boyfriend of his is a bad influence.

"Mum!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by my other teenager , who spends her life doing nothing."MUM!" "VICTORIA ANNABEL SPRING !" She glares at me "you do not use that tone with me!" "Well don't talk about your son like that " I scoff and turn back to what I was doing before julio called me. "You care about him , I know you do!". I hear her grumble "You just need some fucking acceptance ".

"LANGUAGE!"she stomps upstairs at this point I'm fuming.If Oliver turns out like them I'm going to leave this family.

Oliver's POV:

I'm playing with my cars , in my bedroom next to the pillow fort me and Nick built on Wednesday. Charlie told me not to destroy it so we can make another one on Monday. I can hear mum shouting, but I don't really listen. I'm use to it by now, she's always shouting at Charlie.

*10 minutes later*

I hear my door open "hey,buddy" I turn around to see Tori "Tori!" I run up to her and hug her waist 'I love Tori ' she smiles at me." I made you a ham and cheese sandwich, your favourite""Thank you!".

She gives me my food and a cup of water."Ollie,after you eat I'm going to run you a bath" "okay!,then can mum read me a book?".she does this funny thing with her face "umm , mum's really busy but I will ask".I smile and go back to my plate.

Nick's POV:

I'm sitting on my bean bag , just staring at Charlie's contact on my phone."Nicky , I'm home !" I just sigh and walk downstairs to the kitchen."Hi mum" "oh baby,what's wrong ?" I can't hold them in I start to tear up."Nicky baby, you need to tell me " I shake my head and cover my face ,with the palms of my hands. She hugs me and I just cry even more."please baby, I'm going to call Charlie" I tense up, I guess she could tell "Nicholas , did something happen between you and Charlie!?" "I-I don't know." She brings me over to the couch still hugging me . She waits until I have calmed down a bit.

"Okay, can you tell me now?" I nod And explain to her. "Nicky,have you texted Tori or any of your friends?" "No, I-I haven't " "okay, I think you should" I nod again and head up to my room , to text Tori.

Victoria spring

Nick19:57) hey Tori , is Charlie with you?

I put my phone down and take a shower. After my shower I get dressed, I pick up my phone to see 5 missed calls from Tori. I call her back.

"Nicholas Nelson!"

"I know you're angry but-"

"Angry ! I'm fucking pissed "

"Where the hell is my fucking brother !?"

"I don't know, he was crying in the cubicle , then your mum came and, and he just I don't fucking know!"

"Okay Nick , we both need a breather "


"I'm going to talk to my mum, okay!?"

"Okay,yeah bye"


Tori's POV:

He hangs up.I will deal with mum in a minute ,but first I need to get Ollie to bed.I walk back into his room , to find him half asleep."Oliver, you need to have a bath then you can sleep " "okay" he says almost as a whisper "I will put your pyjamas out for you ".He nods and walks into the it's time to deal with my mother.

I get downstairs to see her sitting on the couch watching dinner date ,with a glass of let's say cherryade .

"Mum I'm going to ask you calmly " she looks at me and raises an eyebrow."what happened with Charlie ?" "He was just being a bit bratty , that's it".

 I sigh"no mum , tell me what really happened!?" 

"Victoria I just told you , he was being a little SHIT!" 

"Fine I will find out ,on my own !"

"You know what , I'm done with this family!"

She walks upstairs and I follow her.

"Mum!?" She is on the floor packing her stuff "I'm going to my friend's, for a while!" "W-what about us what about Ollie "she just got up and left the room.

"Mum" "yes sweetie?" "Can you read me a story?". I see mum and Oliver talking in the hallway. "Sorry love , Tori will though " "o-okay" "where are you going?" "I have some adult things to do , but I will see you in a few days " he doesn't respond , I can tell he's sad. She just kisses his forehead .

* a few minutes later*

Mum's gone , and I put Oliver to bed . I text Nick to see if he can come over.


Victoria20:17) hey , is there any chance you or your mum could come look after Ollie?

1088 words

It's late but dear Lord it's long .this sounds wrong in my dirty gay mind.

Nick and Charlie The honeymoon stage (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now