Chapter One

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Maki Zenin sat on her purple and black Suzuki SV650 motorcycle

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Maki Zenin sat on her purple and black Suzuki SV650 motorcycle. She had her helmet on and her dark hair sticking out the back of it. Her eyes were covered by the helmet visor as she rolled onto the main road of the city.

She felt the adrenaline rush through her veins as she felt the torque of the high performance motorcycle under her legs. She loved riding, and she loved feeling the freedom of the road. It is one of the few things that kept her mind off her stupid famiy. Riding her bike made her break free from most of her worries.

As Maki rode through the city, the lights of the city become a blur in her speed, she finds herself slowly hitting the breaks as she reaches a stop light that had just turned red. She stops, her hand steady on the break, with one foot on the pavement road. She looks towards the traffic on the intersection ahead when she noticed another motorcycle on the side of the road near her.

The rider was a gorgeous woman with long hair and piercing eyes. She was dressed in leather pants and a leather jacket, and she was holding a helmet in her hand. Maki watched as the woman wore her helmet and started her bike, with a throttle she made her way next to Maki stopping at the red light.

Maki couldn't take her eyes off of her. She was drawn to the other woman's confidence and her bold style, which they both had in common.

As Maki adjusts herself on her bike, the other woman approached her opening her visor revealing her piercing gaze that draws Maki in. Maki takes a slightly better look at her. "Hey, nice bike," she said. "Is it a Suzuki?"

Maki grinned. "Yeah, it's the SV650. I love it, it's so light and maneuverable."

The other woman chuckled. "I know what you mean. I ride a Yamaha R6. It's fast and agile, but it can be a bit of a handful on the road."

Maki let out whistle, impressed as she admired the other woman's ride. "Wow, that's a pretty powerful bike. Do you like to ride sport bikes?"

The other woman smiled. "Yeah, I love the acceleration and the feeling of being able to weave through traffic. It's like a real life video game."

Maki felt a flutter in her chest as she realized that the other woman was a fellow biker. She wanted to know more about her.

"Where do you usually ride?" Maki asked.

The other woman raised an eyebrow. "I like to explore new roads and ride through the mountains. The wind in my hair and the sun on my face make me feel more alive than ever."

Maki nodded. "I know exactly what you mean. I love the feeling of freedom that riding gives me."

The woman closes her visor, making Maki snap out of her trance noticing the impending green light.

The light turned green, and the two women accelerated at the same time. They rode side by side, the wind whipping through both of them and the sound of their engines echoing through the streets.

Maki smiled to herself. She had never met anyone like the other woman before. She was bold, confident, and incredibly beautiful. Maki felt an unexplainable pull towards her.

As they rode, Maki wondered if the other woman was interested in her too. She decided to take a risk and ask for her number.

"Hey!" Maki's voice was muffled by her helmet and wind but she made sure it was loud enough for the woman to hear.

"Hey," the other woman called out in response, her voice raised over the sound of their engines.

Maki's eyebrows raise in surprise and excitement. She couldn't believe she had worked up the courage to ask for this stranger's number. It's now or never.

As they rode, Maki watched the other woman out of the corner of her eye. She was elegant and confident, taking off her helmet Maki's heart raced as she had caught another glimpse of the woman's gogeous face, beautiful hair that flowed and spilled out of her helmet. Maki couldn't resist feeling a sense of longing for her. She was beautiful and mysterious, and Maki felt herself inexplicably drawn to her in a way that she couldn't understand.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Maki said, trying to keep her voice steady.

The other woman gave her a sidelong glance. "Sure, what's up?"

Maki took a deep breath, trying to gather her courage. "Actually, I was wondering if I could get your number. I think you're really cool, and I'd love to hang out sometime."

The other woman laughed. "Wow, straight to the point, huh?" she said, still smiling. "Well, why not? Here's my number."

She reached into her jacket and pulled out a pen, scribbling down her number on a scrap of paper and handing it to Maki.

Maki's heart was racing with adrenaline and excitement. She couldn't believe she had just made such a bold move, but she was glad she had.

Maki chuckles, feeling bold and adventurous. She wanted to let the other woman know. She got off her bike and went up next to the woman feeling a lot braver than before, now that she has her number. "Hey, beautiful. Can I make you an offer you can't refuse?"

The other woman turned to Maki, a smile forming on her lips a slight blush barely visible on her cheeks, "You had me at beautiful. What's the offer?"

Maki grinned, "I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can go for a ride together. Just you and me."

The other woman's smile widened and she nodded, "Deal."

They rode in silence for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of the wind in their hair and the engine between their legs. But as they approached a stop light, the other woman turned towards her once again.

"What's your name?" the other woman asked.

"Maki," Maki said, "what's yours?"

"Y/n," the other woman said , offering her hand.

Maki shook her hand, feeling a strange connection to this other woman that she couldn't explain. She had a feeling that this was only the beginning of something special... or perhaps something more.

"See you soon Y/n." Maki grins at the girl as the light turned green, they both drove off into the night heading their seperate ways.

Maki felt like she had found a diamond in the rough. She had never been very interested in women before, but this woman was different. There was something about her that drew Maki in.

As she rode her bike down the road, she couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious woman. She was different from anyone she had ever met before, she was an enigma to Maki.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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