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Jake's POV

I woke up again to see no sunghoon beside me


I decided to message heeseung hyung since I actually have his number in my contacts.

"hello?" I hear heeseung say through the phone

"hi hyung! It's Jake and I wanted to ask you if we could hangout?, I mean if you want too?" I ask heeseung hyung

"Sure but is it okay if a bring maknaez?"
He asks me

"Ofcourse it could just be us five"

"Thanks Jake, so what time do you wanna go?"

"At 10:30, thanks hyung I got to go take a shower, see you later bye!"

"Bye jaeyun!"





Heeseung hyung messaged me saying that he was going to pick me up despite I said I'd just take a cab

While waiting I was watching something on my phone

After just 3 minutes I see a car pull up in front of the gate.

Heeseung hyung comes out

"Hey Jake get in the maknaez are already inside" he says kindly to me

I go inside the car to be greeted by the maknaez.

"Hi Jake hyung!"

"Hey guys" I reply with a smile on my face

"So where are we headed?" Heeseung hyung asks us

"We should go to this new mall that just opened!" Sunoo says as Jungwon nods at Sunoo's suggestion

"Or we could go to the park?"
Niki asks but sunoo glared at him which made Niki agree with now going to the mall

"Let's GOOO!"
Heeseung hyung yelled out with Niki cheering





"Guys I'm hungry shouldn't we eat?" Niki says exhausted holding all the shopping bags since sunoo and jungwon were too busy buying things

While me, heeseung and Niki only bought a few things.

"Sure why not" heeseung hyung says while we also nod.

We were headed to the food court in the mall and not to my surprise the maknaez went to every food stall and almost wiped all the food out.

I hear heeseung hyung chuckle while looking at them.

"kids these days, tsk tsk tsk" heeseung hyung says acting like a parent of 3 kids.

I nudged him while giggling at him

We both look for at table okay enough for us to sit at

While me and heeseung hyung were waiting I decided if it's good enough to talk about the things that Sunghoon said last time.

"Heeseung hyung."

"Yeah Jake?" Heeseung asks while looking at me curiously

"Your close with Jay right?" I ask

"Yeah we've been close since last semester, why?"

"Do you know his crush or something?"

"He has a crush?" Heeseung hyung asks looking a bit shocked since Jay would never talk to him about those type of things he had said to me

"Yeah and Sunghoon said that he likes, me."

"Wait a second, you mean like Park Sunghoon?"

"Yeah that one."

"Gosh I would never guess that Jay likes you." Heeseung hyung says to me

I nod to him wanting to tell him about Sunghoon but I got interrupted.

"You guysss we got the food!!" Jungwon says happily as they place the food on the table.

We were about to eat, not until Niki randomly fills his mouth full with food

Us 4 starts laughing while Niki looks dumbfounded with food in his mouth.

"Eat eat eat" heeseung hyung says impatient since he wants to eat without disturbance

"Ok hyung" Sunoo says doing what heeseung hyung says





We decided to take Niki's suggestion from earlier and go to the park

"Niki! Don't eat all the snacks." Jungwon says while snatching them away from Niki

"C'mon hyung I didn't even each much!" Niki yells out enough for half of the park to stare at us.

"What do you even mean-" heeseung hyung says until he was cut off by someone.

"Hey guys"

We look to see Sunghoon walking to us

"Hey Sunghoon how have you been?"
Heeseung hyung asks to make things less awkward

"Been okay recently, oh and is it okay if I take Jake from you guys?" Sunghoon says while starring at me.

"Yeah sur-" Heeseung hyung says until he was once again cut off by someone

"No need actually we haven't seen Jake hyung in awhile and we wanna hangout with him still Soo maybe later and plus aren't y'all roommates?" Sunoo immediately says to sunghoon with no hesitation

"Yeah sunoo hyung is right so please don't take him." Niki pleads

"Well is it atleast okay to have a little talk with him?" Sunghoon asks

"Fine." Jungwon says with a stern look
while Sunoo and Niki just agree.

heeseung hyung gives me a good luck look for some reason as I immediately stand up from our little picnic




"Have you made your decision?" Sunghoon asks me with a bit of a desperate face

"No and Sunghoon I thought I told you that I need a week and it's just been last night since we talked about this." I said already annoyed at this conversation.

"Just know Jake I love you."

"Yeah I know."




One of my favorite 02z TikToks I love these guys 😭

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One of my favorite 02z TikToks
I love these guys 😭

Anyways hope you enjoy this Chapter ☺️🍵🙏

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