A strange meeting!

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*My POV (aka Elli's)*

"Elli, are we already here? I thought it would take us so much more time to arrive...!" Clover said full of joy.

"Oh please! Tell me that this trip seemed quick to you? We were moving like freaking turtles or something! It took us countless hours to get here! We've been travelling all day long.... " Jasmine answered, totally pissed off.

"I totally agree with Clover. I really enjoyed our time on the boat. As for being tired though, I have to give it to you... I'm exhausted." I said agreeing as well.

"Girls why the fuck are you being so loud?!  Pleaseee don't tell me you've arguing again... " The boys said joining our conversation.

I swear they were so nosy at times...

"I can literally hear you from a mile away!!! " Jack exclaimed while winking at Alex and Andrew.

"Especially you Jasmine! Why all the yelling for? Is something wrong?" Of course Andrew followed Jack's lead in teasing us...

Dammit these three! Didn't they having anything better to do than trying to pick a fight with us?!

Thank God they quit pissing us off quickly enough. We were all extremely tired from all that travelling and standing.. So I had to admit that this really wasn't the best time to pick on Jas and Clo.

"We we're just talking about the trip from Athens to Thessanoliki" I began explaining to the guys.

"And about how we've been in a fucking boat this whole day!" Jas kept whining.

"Yeah....BUT we are now here. Outside of the (αρχαιολογικο) museum of Thessaloniki." I fought back.

I seriously didn't have any strength left in me for another fight. We had plenty of those on the boat and I was pretty sure we'd have more in the near future... But hopefully not right at than moment... Not before we, at least, went to our hotel rooms....

Our travelling agency had planned for us, for some unknown fucking reason,  to visit the museum before we even had the chance to leave our bags to our rooms...

"Aaaand playing truth or dare!" Jas pointed out while smirking playfully.

"Can we join the game as well? " Andrew asked.

"Nope" Clover immediately said without a second thought.

"Oh come oooon Clooooo...!  It will be fun! This game is not complete without guys!" Andrew insisted.

"Ugh fine. Just fine. But if you dare to say something stupid I swear you will pay for it. "Clover finally gave in...

And like that, our time while waiting in line for entering the museum,went by pretty fast.

Around half an hour after we accepted the boys in the game, Alex made a... honest and "mature" question.

"Girls?Do you think the ancient Macedones played truth or dare?" He asked with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"You can ask our tour guide if you want! " Jack said while winking at him.

"Cut the bullshit Jack!" Clover exclaimed while throwing a light punch on his shoulder.

"Come on guys, stop it. Let's just go to our parents cuz I think I saw our guide" Alex whispered-yelled at us,  right on time since right in that moment we heard the grown ups calling us; My mum, Mrs. Sophia, and Andrew's dad,  Mr. John.

"Guys, gather around so that we can begin" my mom said kindly.

Right next to her there was a young, tall girl standing who was smiling at us and waiting patiently for all our talking to die down so that she could start the tour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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