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Aria opened her eyes. She looked around only to see a vast, peachy void. She felt a stinging sensation and turns back to face forward. The glowing figure of a girl stood in front of her. Her hair and body flowing like the waves of the ocean. As she got closer, she began to see visions of destruction and devastation until suddenly, she woke up.

She quickly sat up and began to hyperventilate. She examined her surroundings. She was in a large room made of stone with many beds spread out along the walls. There were many windows and shelves and the tables were either full of medical supplies or crumbs. Aria felt a hand put on her back.

"You okay dear?"

She turned to her left. An old, gentle looking woman was hunched beside her.

"Yes... um... Who are you?" She responded.

"I am Sister Isabella, dear. We found you terribly hurt and brought you with us."

Aria suddenly remembered what had just gone down. She quickly turned to look at her right arm and, to her surprise, it was as good as new.

"Ah- Your arm is okay. It is surprising how fast it healed, a burn that bad would normally be permanent."

"Oh... Um... How long has it been since you... found me?"

"It has been a week dear. You were out cold. Do you remember what happened?"

She obviously did but, of course, she couldn't tell her any of it.

"No... Sorry, I don't..."

"That is okay dear, no need to apologize. As long as you are okay that is all that matters."

Sister Isabella got up and turned to the girl on the bed beside Aria.

"Thank you for calling me Luna." She said

She pat her on the head and exited the room. Aria began to examine the girl. She looked to be the same age as her. She had long yellow hair and was wearing a star shaped pendant around her neck. An open book was sitting on her lap while the desk next to her was filled with even more.

"Hi, my name is Luna. What's your name?" She asked noticing Aria's stare.

Aria was slightly taken aback by her words.

"My name's An- Aria." She nervously responded. She hears a little chuckle coming from her right.

"I don't think she wants to talk to you Luna."

Aria turned to see a slightly older and tougher looking boy lying down. His dark and wavy hair damp after a shower. One arm was behind his head while the other held in front of him what appeared to her as a letter.

"Nobody was talking to you Rin!" Luna replied, annoyed.

They began to argue back and forth while Aria was left a bit confused on what to do.

"Alright that's enough! We're scaring her."

"You're the one scaring her." Rin mumbled.

"No... It's okay. It doesn't bother me." Aria tried to reassure them.

"Oh yeah, by the way. I had to move this to make way for some books."

Luna reaches over to the desk on her other side and picks up something. She turns back and hands Aria the poncho that Brin had given her.

"Don't worry, I made sure it wouldn't get dirty!"

Aria took the poncho and just stared at it. Tears began to form as Luna began to panic.

"Wait, sorry- did I do something to it? Want me to wash it again? Want me to get you a new one?" Luna frantically asked.

"No. No it's fine, thank you." Aria replied wiping away her tears. She put it on and, in her head, swore to herself to never again take it off.

Aria: The Book of HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now