Chap. 4 - No, Dying is Not On My Bucket List, Thank You For Asking!

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Full credits to MartianNoodles35 for the AMAZING SenndaRia fanart in this chapter. I squealed when I saw it-- it's adorable! Go and give them some love for it!

And this is mainly a filler chapter. It's my own writing, so don't say I didn't warn you.

You guys know what I'm like at this point :P

Again, a huge thanks to _nova_sendaris_09 for helping me out. You're the best, Nova!

Also, the YouTube link at the top is to a song I listened to on repeat while writing this. Echo by Jason Walker. It's pretty good.


"Do I not at least get a farewell?"

Senn jumps guiltily and turns to face Galleous. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed to be caught. "Galleous!" he exclaims.

He stutters slightly for a few moments, trying to explain himself, before giving up and sighing. "I... I don't know how to explain... and I don't think you'll understand."

Galleous smiles, trying to ease the clanless's worries. "If you try to explain, I will try to understand."

Senn takes a deep breath. "I appreciate all of your help, Galleous," he says honestly. "You have taught me so much and asked for so little in return." He clenches his fists. "But the Voltaris are out there. They're out there right now. They slaughtered my family and killed Thalleous."

Senn breaks off and looks down at the ground beneath him, seeing it unfocused through his guilt and grief. "It's useless to hide and wallow," he continues in a quieter tone," so I'm going to fight. I'm going to join the Knights of Ardonia."

Galleous reaches out and places a hand on Senn's shoulder in a comforting way. "I understand very well, Senn." And he does. "This is just what my brothers would have done. I would advise improving your skills first, but I will not stop you."

The old Sendaris pauses for a moment before saying, "The Knights of Ardonia have a hideout northwest of here. Follow the mountain range - you will find the inlet."

Senn manages a smile, his white eyes glimmering with gratitude. "Thank you, Galleous, for everything you have done. Thalleous would've been proud."

"Thalleous would have chastised me for not joining you," Galleous responds wryly. "However, I cannot let you go unarmed."

Galleous pulls out an intricate iron sword. "You've the hand of a blacksmith, Senn," he says proudly. "It is a beautiful sword and it belongs with its maker."

Tears of gratitude fill Senn's eyes as he takes the sword, holding it in his hand for a moment before sheathing it on his back. "Thank you, for everything," he manages to say without breaking down and crying.

Galleous chuckles, squeezing Senn's shoulder. "Now be gone, before I change my mind about you leaving," he says goodnaturedly.

Senn smiles, then suddenly pulls Galleous into a hug. He mumbles another thank you, holding back tears.

Taken by surprise, Galleous can only stand there for a moment. But then he hugs the clanless in return, realising that he is really going to miss him.

"Take care, Senn."


Senn walks along the side of a river, gazing down at the opaque waters below. There is nothing around him but the sound of nature. It has been a few days since he left Ataraxia, and he misses the sunshine and solace of that place.

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