I wish everyday I knew who I was
I wish I had good grades, perfect friends
I wish you were still with me
And oh I wish nothing had changedSome may wonder why do I complain
But I'm still a teenager
A teenager with hopes and dreams
And oh I wish nothing had changedI wish none knew me before
But I wish everyone will know who I am now
Because I can't seem to forget
And oh I wish nothing had changedI wish you loved me back
But you do not, so I'm laying in my bed
And I cry every tear I can
And oh I wish nothing had changedI wish we could had a happy end
But we're only teenagers
Teenagers with hopes and dreams
And oh I wish nothing had changedSo I'll write this to say once again
I love you, and I wish you were here
Because you were my everything
And oh I wish nothing had changed
love letter to the world
PoetryThis story is just poems that I write when I feel like it. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do when I'm writing it. love, /// poèmes en anglais et en français, update pas réguliers et aucune promesse de bienséance