Little Lunch Date

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Chanel Pov

After finishing my paper work, i stood up as Buck smiled putting his phone in his pocket, he had been texting my dad making sure they didn't need him for the next hour or so

"Good?" I asked as he nodded

"yeah, lets go" he smiled grabbing my hand

"Ari if you need anything radio me, ill only be in the café" I waved as she gave me a thumbs up

"Have fun" she mouthed winking at me

"Thank you, Lenny" I said grabbing my food from her as she smiled at me as Buck and I went to find a place to sit

"This is okay right? I figured if you cant leave we can do it here" He explained sitting down

"Its fine, its my bad i have a surgery so soon after another" I laughed a little drinking the coffee i got

"No, i probably should of called you ahead of time and scheduled it" he said as i shrugged

"I think its cute, a surprise little lunch date" I said as he smiled nodding

"What surgery did you just do? I-If you dont mine me asking" He said looking at me

"Okay well, this girl got stabbed like 5 times in the side, but then the person that did it, yeah, he decided to bring her to the hospital, only to find out this other dude shot her! But its like some weird baby mama type stuff, and its a whole thing and was very interesting. And i finished the stab wound, and they had to get her settled down and stuff before i can do the surgery for the bullet wound, which might be bad cause it should be done right away, and i offered to do them back to back, but then i think I'm gonna let Jasper do it, he's excited. And i have a heart surgery tonight before i leave, cause its not getting delivered until earlier. I-I'm sorry for rambling" I said looking at him putting food in my mouth so i'd stop talking

"No, Nelly, its fine. I like listening to you talk about things you're passionate about. How do you like being a some what fire fighter?" He asked drinking his water as i smiled

"Alot, i love being a doctor, but i never thought i could be a doctor and somewhat firefighter at the same time, its so fun. I like the better adrenalin rush it gives, like each call is a mystery. Wondering what happened, whos there, how many people do we need to save, how many can we save" I rambled once more as he smiled at me

I had finished the heart surgery, leaving the room as i walked to the locker rooms, it was now almost 2am, as it went longer than expected

I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, putting my scrubs into my bad grabbing my phone and keys i made my way to the main room

"Hi, Jasper" I smiled looking at him as he was at the front desk

"Hi, Ari, how are you on this fine day?" he asked drinking more coffee

"I'm fine, actually gonna head out. I just finished a heart surgery" I said as he nodded looking at me

"How was it?"

"Good, went longer than expected so halfway through i had to switch the nurses, and internes with the night ones." I said rolling my eyes

"Im gonna go, if you need anything do not call me" I smiled waving to him as he laughed

Buck was gonna spend the day with Abby as her mom had passed.

I'm not jealous, we aren't dating.

I dont even care.

Ok, maybe i care a lot.

But its fineeeeeee

9-1-1 call

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Help me! My husbands going mental! Ive locked myself in the loo.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"There's something wrong with my wife. she's acting crazy. Diane! Open the door

"Sir you need to calm down"

"Please hurry!"

"Calm down!?"

"Hes acting bonkers!"

"She broke a glass picture frame over my head!

"Its like he's a completely different person!"

"Its like she's a completely different person!"

Buck and I were on this call, Chim, my dad and Hen were doing a different one

"Domestics call. Guy got into it with his wife. Claims she threw a picture frame at his head" One of the cops said as we walked up the stairs to see her standing over a guy in hand cuffs who was bleeding

"I'm not claiming anything. That's what happened. Look, forget about me. There's something going on with my wife"

"Sir just relax, she needs to take a look at your head" Buck said as i moved his face over so i could see the cut better

"Doesnt look to bad, does it, Nel?" he asked as i shook my head

"Nah, i can do stiches right here, and hes gone" I said looking back at him

"Let me clean it and i can do them and you're good" I smiled as he nodded

"David, the bobbies are asking if i want to press charges." His girlfriends? Wife? said coming over with Athena

"The bobbies? Baby, there is something wrong with you" he said looking at her as i got the saline out of my bad

"Ma'am, you dont have to decide right now. We can take him..." Athena said but she cut her off

"No, officer, you dont understand" David said standing up as i grabbed his arm pulling him back down pouring some of the saline on his cut

"I understand fine"

"No you dont, she's not British" He said as i grabbed the cleaning gauzes drying the cut

"yeah, thats not her voice. She was born in Brooklyn. The bobbies? The closet she's ever been to England is binge watching episode of Downtown Abbey"

"I dont know what he's talking about. David, you're frightening me" She said looking at him, as he shook his head a little

"Look, we woke up this morning, and she just starts talking like that. Its bloody this, bloody that. A spot of tea. All this weird British slang that i've never head before. At first, i thought she was joking, but then it didnt stop, and i dont know, what the hells going on. So, i try to take her to teh hospital. She freaked out, so i called 911" he explained as i noticed she kept hiccupping

"Did she hit her head? Or get in an accident lately?" I asked looking at him as he shook his head looking at me

"No, not that i know of."

"Nel, she told me this morning she woke up with a migraine. That and violent hiccups. That coupled with obvious chest pains"

"She might be having a stroke" i said looking at her as they looked at me wide eyed

"A stroke? Wouldnt she have slurred speech or paralysis or something?" David asked looking at me as Buck went over to her

"If she was a man yeah, but a for a women the symptoms can be different. hiccupping violent is one of them" I explained looking at him

"She's right. Stick your tongue out for me"

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