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Hello, I am Cherry! I am an artist and a story writer (kinda).
A few yearz ago I got into Madness Combat, around the time everyone else did.
One of my current best friendz showed me Madness Combat, and I waz hooked since then!
Thiz book will tell u abt the yearz of development theze characterz (my characterz) have been through.

Now, b4 we dive into thiz i would like to say some thingz.

My writing

I am not the best with typing.
I am dyslexic and will misspell a LOT of wordz. I also dont have good grammar.
I use Z instead of S in my sentencez.
I make very bad typoz to the point where u cant read what im saying, i will fix it eventually, or u can comment that u dont understand what i am tryna say.
I use U over YOU, B4 over BEFORE, WANNA over WANT TO, TRYNA over TRYING TO.
Lmk = Let me know
Lyk = let you know
Abt = About

Triggerz and disclaimerz

In Gawonz, Korbz, Avonz and Rayz backstory there iz graphic stuff- like Blood and Goreish. Being attacked and alla that.

Gawonz backstory talkz abt Murder, Gunz, Blood and Fighting.

Korbz CHARACTER AREA iz abt murder and lovesick behavior. ( They're totally not a yandere)

Avonz whole area iz abt Suicide, Sexual Assault, Abuse and pushing religion.

Rayz whole area iz abt drugz and drinking, neglect, car accidentz.

Ray and Avonz storiez are very angsty.

Im not sure what else to say, thatz abt a i can think abt rn.

My Mad Com OCz backstoriez and factzWhere stories live. Discover now