Gawonz Backstory

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Thiz story takez place many yearz back. Maybe... When I waz 10. Maybe younger, I don't remember a whole lot from my childhood.
It waz the same thing every single day. Wait on the side of the road for some grunt to drop money or on most dayz their wallet, go into the grocery store that waz a building distance away, and order az much food az I can.
Most dayz I would get lucky! It would be an 100 dollar bill, or only 20.
Why waz I all on my own at 10 yearz old? Well I couldn't really tell u. I just got used to the routine I played every day, I never wondered where my parentz were. Who my parentz were, I just lived waiting for money to drop.

I had a friend, I don't remember hiz name but I do remember-- hiz dad worked at the grocery store I alwayz went to. Every time I went there he would be wandering around the store with a name tag on hiz shirt, like he waz working there at 11 yearz old. He would alwayz roam around the cakez and chipz isle. So when I stopped by those areaz I would look for him. Sometimez he woild give me free food, like biscuitz, pretzelz, cheezestickz. I liked the greasy foodz like mazerella stickz or cheeze burgerz by the nearby McDonaldz. But thoze dayz were rare, very rare.

The kid would show me around town at hiz favorite arcadez, parkz, storez, etc. Which waz pretty funny, he waz 11 and basically knew the whole area! He had a lot of time to explore around that sma town in Nevada.

(Someone Gawon could talk to b4 Nevada chaos.)

Soundz like a good friendship right?Well, that friendship would end in the worst way possible

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Soundz like a good friendship right?
Well, that friendship would end in the worst way possible.
Have u heard of the Nevada massacre? Involving Hank J Wimbleton? Hank iz a cool guy, very cool guy! But he went through my town that day. Jebus had hiz zombiez run through the area to catch Hank. One of the zombiez got a hold of my friend. And I had to resort to the worst decision az a 18 year old.

(The slide show will explain)
Green for Gawon, Blue for the Boy.



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"Gawon.. It hurtz... Hank and Jebus were here!"

 Hank and Jebus were here!"

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