bloody nose

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Credits: Isabelle_Bourassa

If you guys want a face reveal go to my Instagram and follow and I'll post a face reveal there soon.

Insta: fakef0ry0u

What it looks like:

What it looks like:

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《 your pov 》

Me and the triplets was in the living room watching *name a movie*. I was sitting there I was on my phone texting someone back when I felt something run down my nose.

So I lift my hand up to wipe it away when I look at my hand to see blood. So I grabbed my nose lifting my head up.

" hey, do you want me to get you a tissue? "

Chris had said as he looked over at me and seen blood on my hand along with me lifting my head up.

" no, it's fine I can go get one "

I said as I got up as the triplets was looking at me for a mintue. I went to the kitchen and got a tissue. I then started to feel bit dizzy but didn't think much of it.

I then put the tissue on my nose. I then grabbed a few more and started to head back when my vision started to go black.

" Chris "

I said but he didn't look back towards me.

" Chris "

I had said a little bit louder before either had fell. The triplets turned around so see me on the ground. They then ran over to me.

" y/n "

Chris said really panicked.

" y/n "

He said again while shaking me.

" we could wait a few mintues to see if she wakes up before we call 911 "

Nick had said as Chris nodded as he started to tear up a little bit. Chris then picked me up bringing me over to the couch still making sure that no blood gets on anything.

The blood had stopped after a few mintues. After about 15 mintues I fanially woke up, and Matt got up to get me water.

Once Chris seen that I was awake he pulled me into a hug.

" omg y/n we was about to call 911 "

Nick said before pulling me into a quick hug. Matt came back with the water and gave it to me. I drank some before putting it down.

" you ok? "

Chris said before pulling me into another hug.

" yea I'm ok "

" do you wanna watch the movie still or no? "

Nick had asked

" yea "

I had said while nodding my head.

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