The kid napping

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You've been interested in this dangerous job for a while. The money and how you save lives are good benefits. You're signing up today.

"*We take in anyone. We got space for you.*" Sargent said, at the front desk. He sighed and looked at you. He stared judgmentally, or simply analyzing you.

"*Also. After everything I say you say 'sir yes sir'. Understand?*" He said sternly.

You're soon dismissed, and you walk into the bunk room, greeted by a dozen male soldiers. They're now quiet.

shes 15 and has blue eyes and blounde hair w ;light pink strecks and has white pirceings and is wearig a jean mini skirt and has a pick tanktop on w a whit jackit and white stolkings w white platform shoes on a pink leg warmers*
Y'all have the wrong dam person . I'm 15!  You say

The group of men stare at you and exchange a look. One of them laughs.

"*Who let the cheerleader in? Hahaha!*"

"*Look how she's dressed too, hahahaha!"*

They begin to laugh even more. And look at you, and laugh. They're not laughing with you, they're laughing at you.

Americans these days . You say

They laugh even *more*!

"*Hahahahaha, look at this cheerleader. I wonder why she's here?*"

They point and laugh.
"*What do you think she's going to do here? Maybe cook us some lunch?*"

Maybe if your so " strong" then go to  the kitchen and make yourself some lunch Americans you say

The men look at you, even more puzzled and laughing more now - they laugh at your comment, looking at each other.

"*Hahahahaha, what's with this spoiled kid? Oh, hahahaha, she thinks she can fight?*"

One of them laughs.

"*Maybe she should fight us. Hahaha.*"

Wanna bet you say tying your hair up*

A man walks up to you. He's tall, muscular, and serious.

"I'll take that bet."

He puts his hands in his pockets, and smirks.

"I've never fought a girl before."

Game on you say

The others all laugh.

The big man nods, and stands with his feet apart. He looks like he knows how to fight.

"Let's go, little girl. Whatcha gonna do?"

You Knock him out in one punch making his nose bleed and you stomp him*

The big man is on the floor, bleeding from his nose.

Everyone is quiet, shocked.

One of them shakes it off and looks at you.

"*Okay, okay, you win the bet, little girl.*"

He looks nervous, and then, laughs.

"*This little girl can fight! Hahah!*"

You Help the guy up and puts him in a chair and gives him an ice pack wipes the blood from his nose*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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