Science fiction. Where everything is future

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Science fiction. Where everything is future

It was 05:00 pm, and like always this is what followed. "Knock, knock, may I enter please!"

This was the time when she usually arrived from her work place. And when she knocked twice I would open the door and she would get in. But today, she asked for permission. Permission to enter her own home.

It was she, no doubt about it, but she seemed worried and she was hiding something. She was shivering, she was cold, she was her usual self in a very unusual way. And this prompted me to ask her, "Sahleem, what is the matter? Are you ok?"

She simply shrugged her shoulders; and then after a moment, she placed her face against my right shoulder and she began to cry. Careful not to be too loud but free enough to cry in my presence. And I let her cry, and she did so for 15 long minutes, without any pause; and I did not interfere with her emotional outburst because it was necessary for her to regain her composure. Which she did after 20 minutes, and during these 20 minutes I had placed my right hand over her head and my shoulder was wet with her tears and her damp nose that was pressed against my shirt.

On the shoulder a small part of my blue shirt had turned dark blue. No, to be exact indigo blue, because it was wet, not from her tears but from her damp nose.

She slowly moved her head backwards and put her neck straight. Then she looked straight into my eyes and she flashed an expression on her face. It was neither a smile, nor a laughter, and in no way was it a flush of happiness. It was something that usually defines the facial expressions of a face tired from long and incessant crying, and then to relax the facial muscles, the face instinctively, without the conscious approval from the person, relaxes a bit and it appears as a smile that fades away even before it appeared. It was that kind of smile, and I had seen it on her face after a long time. And I was happy.

2 months ago when her mother passed away. She did not cry. Maybe she was not able to cry. But today, all those feelings of missing her mother, appeared in the form of tears and the indigo stain on my shirt.

If she would not have cried, I am sure, her smile would have died forever. And with it she too would have died slowly, every day. Until one day, she would be someone else; and I was worried that very soon I might be living with someone else. But thank God she cried, and now from tonight onwards I will live with her. The one whom I have always loved. Actually from the first day, when I saw her.

It was August or September, anyway I do not remember exactly which month it was. But, it certainly was a month. I was attending to my daily work when I saw her entering our office. Well, when she entered it was just a casual visual interaction, but it was when I was leaving and I had closed the door behind me. I realised I had forgotten a few papers that I had to hand over to the principal of a college. So I climbed the stairs and dashed inside and collected my papers. As I was leaving she greeted me, I stopped, and I too greeted her, then she smiled, I smiled too and I think she asked me a few questions which I answered hurriedly. And I left for the day to visit a few potential prospects and hand over the papers to the principal.

But I must confess I did think about her a couple of times during that day. Finally the day came to an end, the work day I mean. And I went back to our main office, I submitted my daily report and I went to my room.

It was a simple day with a daily routine, where nothing was different.

After preparing my dinner, I went out for my daily evening walk, and on my way back, as a usual practice, I went to a cafe and occupied the window side table. I was sipping my routine chocolate delight, when someone from behind, tapped on my shoulders. And there she was standing behind me, along with her friend whom I knew as well.

So now, it was three of us on the window side table and we had a long conversation. From that day onwards, we went out quite a number of times and it seems we both liked each other so much that today she is here, feeling comfortable enough to lean on my shoulder and cry, without worrying about the world and worldly cares.

Well that was about both of us. And our short courtship and our conversations, where we both confessed that we wanted to live together. And here we are.

But, there is a secret that only I know about her.

She is from another planet. They call it planet Blue, and her relatives from her planet sometimes visit us at a certain location that is away from the town. And last week when she visited her planet, she looked worried. The governing federation of the Blue Planet, has decided to assign an outcast status to her if she chooses to stay on Earth. And she will lose all her powers. One of them being, her ability to predict future and look at peoples faces and predict their lives with exactness, for which even time will vouch.

And today she cried, because from today onwards Sahleem will never get to see her planet, her relatives, and from now onwards Sahleem shall possess none of her powers. All this happened after she lost her mother and since then she has been living in a constant state of shock. But today, it all ended, just like her powers. Because she chose love over power, and most important of all she chose Earth over her Blue Planet.

But the suspense has not ended yet, because in a few months Sahleem will give birth to a child, and the elders of the Blue Planet had overlooked an old prediction, where a girl from the Blue Planet shall marry someone from the Earth, and this child shall know the ultimate cosmic secrets that no one in the most super advanced civilisations has been able to uncover. They call it the Ultimate realm of the Universe, where mathematics and physics work differently because it is where the Universe derives its actual essence from. And this boy shall know it all!

Now, we both are worried but not scared.

We are moving to a secret location because the Earth shall now be invaded by the elite from the Blue Planet. And they will occupy this planet to get access to the child.

And it shall be an interesting chase, because I have always been a great fan of late Mr. H. G. Wells novels, and I have perfected the art of making a human being invisible. And tonight I am gifting my family the gift of invisibility.

Now you cannot see me. Though I will be there, right in front of you.

Today is our last day in our visible form. So this too made her cry. But with her powers neutralised, she still can see our future. And on their planet they can manipulate time and she knows how. And with this knowledge, we shall now always live in the future, and be invisible too. Now nobody can ever find us, because we are beyond the grasp of time and we have managed to absorb light as well.

And all this was possible because we loved each other and we believed in each other.

Now it is time for Sahleem and me to leave every today and present behind, and step into the permanent future and be invisible forever. We are together now and we like it this way. Invisible or visible that does not matter.

And the science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075 , offers a similar experience when it comes to reading an intensely romantic science fiction. They Loved in 2075 has everything that you seek in a complete science fiction novel.

The only science fiction novel, where imagination always stays ahead of the dream. To know how much ahead, please read the science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. 

Science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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