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Authors pov

She shook him as he opened his eyes he met the most beautiful view in front of him.
She was looking at him with her doe eyes.
Both were lost in each other eyes.
After sometime doctor came they broke their trance. They discharged her from the hospital.
They were sitting in hospital room with a very awkward situation when they heard
the opening of door.....here came his family his mother father and cousins. She was literally hell nervous about their reaction.
His mother asked her about her health they all were in awe when they saw her.
She felt a motherly warmth from his mother as she crasessed her cheeks...

Piya : how are you bacha?? What is your name? How you reached to the mandap??

Ridhi: My name is ridhimaa. And she told everyone how she ended up married to abhi.

Abhi who was looking at her with adoration filled eyes everyone was shocked to see this.

Piya: Bacha we all are ready to our daughter in law of our house and you can not only my daughter in law but daughter too like aniya.

In short time she mingled with the younger
ones .......
Then the doctor told them they can take her to home.

Piya: bacha let's go home.

But ridhi said that she wants to call her brother..
Then abhi gave his phone to her to make the call.....
She called on the no. After 4 rings call picked..
Rudra: hello!!
Ridhi:he..hello Bhai.
Rudra: bacha where were you?? David called me said you were looking are the resort but its been 20 hours....bacha were you are???
Ridhi: I'm at hospital...
Rudra cuts her off..
Rudra: whatt?? Hospital... Which one??
Ridhi: city hospital...
Rudra cuts her off again saying he will be there....and hungs up.
After rudra cuts the call ridhi said to every one he will be here.

On the other side rudra reached the hospital in 15 minutes driving at high speed
He asked the receptionist about ridhimaa..

Receptionist said 5th floor,room506.
After he ran towards the 5th floor after there were around 50 guard surrounded the hospital and 20 guards goes after rudra.

He reached to the floor and ran towards room and opened the door with thud..

Everyone in the room startled with the loud soun but rudra ran towards his sister who was sitting on the bed.....and cupped her face is his hands and asked panicking...

R:bacha are you fine..cupcake please answer me...how did you came here..
Ridhi cupped his face and said...
Ri: bhai...bhai relax...relax. I'm fine nothing happened relax..take breath relax.
He visibly relaxed after seeing his sister safe and hugged her tightly she also hugged him and rubs his back...Door again opened and then comes three figures vivaan,siya, kiara.

After sometime rudra broke the hug and creasses her hair..then the three came and hugged her..

Then vivaan said still hugging her said cupcake you scared us.. and broke the hug

Then Rudra notice the bridal dress and the vermillion and nuptial chain in ridhimaa's Neck... then he look around to find abhi staring at him and all the members of Raghuvanshi family....

Then he asked about all the stuff...then ridhimaa told him about the whole event and now he is blazing with anger....then ridhi said to him that he will not do anything.
He asked the her how she let them freely then she tell him with a smirk on her face that she take revenge in her own way.....
He understand that he doesn't had to do anything... Till now everyone was shocked to see RUDRAKSH RAJAWAT who is always a ruthless and cold personality....now staring at his sister as its his life...
and now everyone is looking at vivaan.....

Abhimaan POV

I was looking at ridhi like I saw a real life Angel..my angel

As the younger's were talking to her then the door brust open here comes Rudraksh rajawat a man of few words he is as well dominating personality then he came towards my angel and cupped her cheeks and continuously asking about her then she
cupped his cheeks and told him to relax and hugged him tightly.

I was burning in jealousy when she called him bhai then I sighed... And the door again burst open there I saw vivaan with his two friends they ran towards her and hugged her tightly then vivaan said cupcake you scared us..

Then her brother ask about how they can live freely when doing such things with her then she told him with a devilish smirk on her face that she take Revenge in her own way after seeing that she anything is but innocent....
Then mom said us that it's time to go home...
I'm happy that she is coming with me but scared that what if she broke our marriage.

Authors POV

Rudra: Are you going with them or coming with us.

Ridhi: no Bhai I'm willing accept this marriage..if anyone would be there they left me there but this family is giving so much love and taking care of me as stranger then how they keep their daughter in law...please bhai.
Everyone one was lovingly staring at her...

Rudra: OK it your life and you are mature enough to take the decisions of your own life.
And looking at abhi he said in a dominating voice .... Dare you to make my sister cry.....
Her one drop tear your one liter blood so don't because if anything happens to her I also don't know what I do.. And one more thing I want to marry my cupcake from our house.

Siya hold him from his shoulder.

Anvesh: As you say beta we also know what you are feeling.

Ridhi: so everyone meet my brother rudraksh rajawat and his wife siya aka my bestfriend and ( pointing at vivaan and kiara) they are also my bestfriends.

Just then David the security head of rudra and personal bodyguard of ridhi came said
....sir ma'am phone is continuously ringing.

Rudra glared at him knowing that he can't keep his sister away from her phone... Ridhi asked him to give her phone to her she picked the call after Listening to the other side her face turns emotinless....and seeing that rudra got to know that someone is going to die...

All the elders left the room leaving to go home as they would start the preparation for wedding from tomorrow.

Ridhi cut the call and looked at rudra who got the cue and then she held siya hand and she made her sit infront of her...siya who is being tensed..

Ridhi: siyu sun meri baat pehle .... your mumma is no more... with a devilish smirk on her face .

listening this siya sat there numb because her mother who is the reason of her past and murderer of her father is dead now .

After registering what happened suddenly siya started panic seeing this

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This is my first book.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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