"The door to a new beginning within the Kim twins" EP 4

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Intro: Hello this is the author speaking I hope you're all enjoying this series of my storylines I'll be posting more often so stay tooned! 😘<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sneak peek:

Kim Baehyung: Fixing the broken parts of our family.

Anyway back to the story.

Kim SeokJin: My poor babies are you all alright?!

He checked both Taekook and Daemin
He looked at everyone one worried

Kim SeokJin: I'm really sorry Taehyung I had no idea he would react that way. I wouldn't have said anything if I knew he was going to hurt all of you... I'm really sorry!😭

Taehyung: I'll be fine Jin hyung.. did he hurt you Dae?..

Kim Dae hyung: N-No it's just that he's really scary when he's mad.. H-He looked at me like he was going to k-kill me..

Jungkook: Don't worry Dae hyung he won't be able to hurt you or Taehyung ever again.

Jimin: Baby Tae don't cry it's ok he won't hurt you anymore I promise.Me and Jungkook are here for you ok? Calm down.

Taehyung slowly nodded while burying his face into Jungkook's chest.

Jung Hoseok: Hey babies are you sure you're both alright I don't want you guys to be hurting or be scared if you are than let me and the others know ok?..

He spoke sweetly and calmly.

Kim SeokJin: Taehyung I'm so sorry.. I he easy gets pissed off but after all of these years as his mate I never once thought he would dare to hit you guys.. I've never seen this upset before.. I'm really sorry Taehyung you too Dae hyung..

He was still trying to tell himself that Namjoon isn't the type to just snap like that so he now wants to know the real reason why Namjoon is acting up all of a sudden.

The other twins were near a minute away from the house

Yoongi: I'm not the only one smelling that right?-

Jung Hoseok: Yeah their scents smell just like-

Yoongi: Of shit Namjoon's not going to like this!-

They both immediately run to his office to stop him from going wild

Jimin: Tae,Dae my poor babies it's ok no need to cry your safe now. Plus you both know it hurts me a lot when I see you both crying.

They both continue crying nonstop

Shortly after they all heard the doorbell ring.

Jungkook: Why is their someone at the door?-

Jimin: Don't look at me I'm just as lost as you are right now??

Jungkook went to go open the door

Kim Baehyung: Hello there?- Who exactly are you supposed to be why are you still in my way?

Jungkook clenched he jaw tightly

Jungkook: Their's no need for you here Bae hyung.

He said with a pissed off expression on his face.

Baehyung: Keep telling yourself that Taehyung will always choose his family over some stupid so called mate.

He looked at Jungkook with a cold ass expression.

Jungkook: I'll hold you up to your own words. "Kim-Bae-hyung".

Jungkook: Sweetheart- Love come here for a sec.

Taehyung slowly walking over to Jungkook while still crying.

Baehyung: Theirs my little twin brother!

Taehyung hugs Baehyung while crying nonstop.

Taehyung: Big Brother Baehyung!

He started to cry harder.

Baehyung brought Taehyung closer to his chest just to piss Jungkook off more than he already was from the very moment he saw him standing outside the door.

Kim Baehyung: It's ok let out everything you've been keeping inside up until now.

Kim Baehyung: Get rid of all of those bad thoughts and energies from your body your big brother's here to protect you now.

After hearing that Taehyung immediately after let out all of his pain by crying it all out

Baehyung slowly calmed him down by singing while Taehyung just buried his face into Bae's chest.

Kim Rae Hyun: Oh no! Why is Tae Tae crying?!

She immediately went over to Taehyung and hugged him

Kim Rae Hyun: Don't worry big brother little sister is here for you!

Kim Jaehyung: What?!- what do you mean big brother's crying?! YAH!?! Who made big brother cry?!

Kim Lisa: Calm down little man. Now tell me why are you crying Dae bear?

Dae hyung: N-Namjoon-ah's scary...

Runs over to Lisa while crying

He lays down on her lap while she cups his cheeks and smiles at him

Dae hyung: You look so much like Eomma..

Lisa: We all know I'll never be able to be her though..

Dae hyung: Yes you can you can do anything you put your mind too!😊

Lisa: Whatever you say little one.

Jaehyung: Hyung's way are you both crying so much?🥺

Lisa: Jae don't force them to tell you if their not really to talk about it.

Jaehyung: Ok.. fine..

Jungkook seemed a bit jealous of the way Tae's brother Baehyung was holding him so tightly close to himself. He knew their brother's but kook is naturally over protective when it came to Taehyung being his mate and he hates seeing Taehyung close in other Alpha's hands and not in his own.

Baehyung noticed Jungkook's jealousy and eventually let go of Taehyung and carefully handed him to Jungkook which Jungkook didn't like either. It was like if say Jungkook needs permission to be near his own mate and that pisses him off even more.
Jungkook didn't need anyone's permission to be near his own mate beside Taehyung it's he's mate for crying out loud they are supposed to be together most of the time and Jungkook never really liked Taehyung's older brother since they first met.

Taehyung noticed it and made Jungkook look him in the eyes kisses him softly than cuddled up against Jungkook's chest. Jungkook kissed him back as his eyes softened but would get intense only when looked back at Baehyung.

Kook than gently grabbed Taehyung's waist pulling him closer before kissing him softly on the lips and Tae's head.

Taehyung got shy immediately and buried his face into Jungkook's chest making Jungkook chuckle at Tae's cuteness.

Jungkook gave one more glance at Baehyung and glares at him really pissed off before sweeping Taehyung off his feet and in his hands.

Stay tooned to be continued

See you guys in the next one 😘💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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