Inner reality and knowledge

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It is greater to be knowledgeable than ignorant. The pursuit of knowledge is a long one and is worth the while. There is a way to pursue it properly, and that is through sense and reason. There are many innate perceptions that will lead to ignorance and false answers. I will only be speaking about one in particular, that is desire. We must see things as they are and not as we want them to be, desire stops us from pursuing harsh truths. Knowledge affects ideas and psychic symbols. The more knowledge the more quiddity the object seems to have. All objects simply are, and all quiddity goes back to nothingness. All things are being and nonbeing.

Intelligent men have been pursuing knowledge since the beginning of time. People pursue knowledge for simply the pleasure of understanding. Animals do not feel pleasure in understanding because they have lower intellects. So the same with man, the higher the intellect the more he takes pleasure in understanding. It is better to know than not to know. Back in time, when slavery was still in effect in America, slaves were not allowed to read. That is because it is easier to take over a mind without knowledge than with knowledge. Knowledge lets one think for himself. Without knowledge how can he form his own thoughts? The creative forces do not conjure ideas, but mix ideas that are already in his mind. To have a free mind one must know. One must also know things that are true. There were times when the Aztecs would sacrifice men to keep the world going. Their ignorance killed many people it was their downfall. We must pursue not only knowledge but true knowledge. True knowledge is when the ideas in our minds match outer reality. Falsehood is when it doesn't. Sense and reason lead to truth, seeing the world through desire leads to falsehood.

Is hope real? When we hope for something to happen does it happen? We have all hoped for things and have been disappointed, that is because what we want to happen in the future has no effect on what will happen in the future. Hope is an illusion. Hope comes from desire, it comes from what we want the future to be. To see the world clearly we must not use what I call the desire innate perception. The desire innate perception works in this way. Desire is an output, when we desire something, it gets thrown outside of us. What does this mean thrown outside of us? We begin to see the world as we want to see it. If we desire to pass a math test, we will begin to believe that we will pass that math test. Although it is healthy to have hope, that hope doesn't mean you will pass. We also wish to see the world how we want to see it. Let's say you have a son, he is liked by everyone and is your pride and joy. You love him and you believe that you have raised him well. One day you get a call from his wife, and you find out that he has been molesting his daughter for years. When you hear this you desire for it not to be true, so for a certain amount of time, you probably will say that the wife is lying, or this must be some mistake. Let's say that you are given proof, you would still have a hard time believing it simply because you desire not to. This is the reason why harsh truths are so hard to bear. We instinctively desire for a fantasy I like to call the perfect world scenario. All men have their own perfect world scenario that goes on in their minds. They wish for a world that caters to all of their needs and desires. The disconnect between the perfect world and outer reality causes pain. It is a desire that can never be fulfilled. A man must simply accept the world for what it is, and it begins to go away. The way to do this is to control your ideas and psychic symbols about the world. Stoicism allows a man to do this and to live in perfect peace, I will not elaborate upon this the reader can study for himself. Once the perfect world scenario is destroyed, the man begins to see the real world. This is because the innate perceptions of sense and reason are able to take in what he once did not desire. The sense input and output, and the reason output can now produce accurate information. The quiddity of events changes.

Existence precedes quiddity. All things are existence first and then we paint them with quiddity. All things really are simply sitting. It is, that is what the senses perceive. Ideas forge quiddity so that we can understand objects. Quiddity originates from the rational forces and the creative forces. We create descriptors for each object so that we can understand them. If we simply viewed everything from the angle of pure existence, we would get lost. We create descriptors for navigating power. Navigating power allows us not to get lost in the nothingness that is all things. Let's say that there is a tree. The tree has leaves and bark, it is tall, and it goes through photosynthesis and the calvin cycle. The name tree goes back to nothingness, the descriptor for bark goes back to nothingness, the concept of photosynthesis and the calvin cycle go back to nothingness. Although these ideas help us to understand the it is, it really goes back to what it is. It isn't how we describe it, it simply is. That being non-being. Being goes back to nonbeing. We create being in inner reality, in reality in totality there is only nonbeing. When we see being there is nonbeing underneath it. Trying to understand the object also takes us away from understanding the object. That is not to say that trees do not exist, there is an outer reality, I mean only to say that they aid us in understanding existence. Quiddity isn't real we created quiddity.

The creation of quiddity is necessary. Although the sense input and output allow us to understand it is, the reason output allows for much deeper information about it is. Ideas are in relation to the quiddity of the object. Knowledge affects the amount of ideas in one's mind. More knowledge more ideas, also more psychic symbols to detect. When a man has more knowledge about an object he sees it with nuance. Ideas stack upon each other, they compound creating fervor. The subject sees the object with more fervor due to it having more compounded quiddity. Let me give you an example. There are two scientists and they are having an outing. One scientist is an astronomer, the other a zoologist. In the afternoon they decide to go to the zoo. The astronomer sees an alligator, he simply sees the scales, the colors, and the eyes. He sees the alligator with less fervor. The zoologist sees the scales, the colors, the eyes, the sex, the ancestors, the species, and why it evolved certain features. The Zoologist sees the alligator with more fervor. At night they go to the astronomer's house. The astronomer pulls out a very powerful telescope. The astronomer allows his friend to see the various stars. The zoologist simply sees a random array of stars. The astronomer looks at the same array of stars. He notices the constellations by name, how far each one is from the earth, and how long they lived. The astronomer and the scientist see the same exact objects, the alligator and the stars, but get different numbers of quiddity out of the objects. The astronomer starts closer to how they are in reality in totality, while the zoologist sees the alligators how they are in reality in totality. Some people see the outer reality better than others.

Ideas merely represent reality they are not reality in totality. There is a disconnect between inner and outer reality. This disconnect is the reason why we get false ideas about the world. When an idea doesn't match outer reality, the idea is false. Some people have more accurate knowledge than others, so they see the world differently. The same object will have different quiddity, but they can still sense the object the same. When a man has knowledge reason dissects each idea and creates a product, an output. Different knowledge will lead to different outputs. So if a person has true knowledge he will have a true output, when a person has false knowledge he will have a false output. For example, back in time people used to use cigarettes to cure coughs, now we know cigarettes cause cancer. Back in time, the knowledge of cigarettes was low so they came to the conclusion that it can cure coughs. Now that we know more we have the conclusion that it causes cancer. The psychic symbol of danger wasn't there, now in modern times the psychic symbol of danger is there. The thought of smoking will cause fear in modern times while back then it wouldn't.

Knowledge builds and ignorance destroys. The effects of knowledge are all around us. Seeing the world as we wish to see it is destructive, seeing the world as it is is constructive. Quiddity is in relation to how much we know about objects and also adds to the amount of nuance of the object. The reality is that there is no reality, it simply is all nothing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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