chapter one: new environment

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"Are your bags complete? You didn't forget anything?" My mom asked, both her hands on each side of my shoulders, making sure I won't lose eye contact with her.

"Yes, mom. Everything's here." I chuckled and told her. "I already double checked, triple checked and quadruple checked everything."

"Good." She sighed. "Make sure to call us everyday, okay?" She sobbed, her voice cracking.

"Yes, mom, I promise." I said and smiled.

"You take care of yourself, okay?" Dad said. "If anything happens, you have our numbers there. Even your Aunt's number is saved on your phone already." He pointed at the phone in my hand.

"Yes, dad. You already told me that a hundred times." I said.

"Just making sure." Dad said. "Since you'll be on your own here."

"Mom, dad, I am just 5 cities away from you guys." I said. "It's not that far."

"It is far since you won't be inside the house with us!" My mom sobbed while my dad hugged her tight.

"We better go." My dad whispered before my mom could burst more as we keep the conversation. "Take care, okay? Good luck on your first day tomorrow. And remember, you have to be there before 3:00 PM for your orientation. And your Aunt says she wanted to meet with you before as well." Dad reminded. It was supposed to be mom's responsibility but because she was bursting out those tears like a water balloon, dad took over.

"Bye, honey." Dad said. "We love you." He said before closing the door of my apartment, with a sobbing mom in his arms.

I sighed, making all my worries out in that single breath, before turning to my boxes, which are laid on the center of the entire studio type apartment.

I looked at my phone for the time. "9:00 AM. It's still early, which means more time to unpack and be ready for tomorrow." I said, staring at the boxes.

I started cleaning the place first because it's been a long time since this place was used. I, then, unpacked my things, which are mostly just my clothes, bags, and small things since the furniture were already bought by my aunt.

She is actually the owner of this apartment (but doesn't live here anymore since she already has a house with her own family) and the restaurant that I will be working in tomorrow. But she told me it was best that the employees wouldn't know that I am her niece. It's like I was hired to be a spy. But I guess, both sides would win since I've always wanted to work in a restaurant. And, also, lucky for me, I will be under their Pastry Chef.

I may have helped our bakers back at the shop with a few mixing and tasting, but I never tried to actually create or bake an entire recipe. I was just there when they needed help. But now that I will be working under a Pastry Chef, I would learn more about baking and I am really excited for it.

Because of how focused I was in unpacking, I had forgotten to eat lunch. I stared at the last picture frame I put down before looking at the whole room. Everything was already in place, the room is clean and I was hungry.

My attention turned to my stomach as it growled like never before. I closed my eyes as I realized that it was already time for dinner, and I may have forgotten to eat my lunch.

So, that's why.

I started walking towards my wardrobe before rummaging through my dresses.

Why am I even rummaging through my dresses only?

Maybe my body is telling me to eat dinner at the restaurant that I will be working in tomorrow.

Should I?

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