Chapter 1. You're so last summer

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Y/n's  pov:

I don't like moving away, i can't remember if i liked it as a kid. I moved a couple of times before.

I lived in Iowa before this, for a small amount of time i even lived in North Dakota, but i never lived in Indiana. But now i live in Indiana, in Hawkins to be specific, we got a apartment there because of my moms job, me and my Mom are the only one who live there, my Parents are divorced.

Today is my first day of school, i barely slept during the night. The biggest reason why i couldn't sleep well, was because i worried about finding new friends here and because i was scared of Losing the ones i already have from my now old home town.

The only Person i know here who is my age, is my cousin Gareth, we both are going to be juniors this year.

Gareth is 4 months older then me, and he acts a lot older, but i'm the taller one, which annoys him easily. He always seemed like a cooler older 'brother' to me. as a only child i only have my Cousins to look up to, that's probably why i perceived him that way.

My phone 'woke me up', i was already awake, but it showed me, that it was time for me, to get out of my Bed.
I like my bed, it's bigger than the one in our old apartment and it's more comfortable.
My room is even a bit bigger then my old on, so maybe there's a bright side to moving away.

I grab my clothes, i already know what i want to wear, my My Chemical Romance
t-shirt, i had to wear it, it's my favorite band, maybe i find peopel who also like mcr and we start becoming friends.
It's still summer, so i'm going with my favorite skirt, it's a red tartan skirt. To top my outfit of i wear it with some fishnet tights, my favorite choker and some converse. I love my converse a lot, sadly they are almost falling apart, my Mother tells me all the time, to throw them away, but i am emotionally attached to those shoes.

I go with my usual makeup: foundation, concealer, mascara and my big eyeliner. I felt that my lips deserve a bit colour, so i put a darker, shade of red matte lipstick on.

For breakfast i make myself porridge. All i do is take some oatmeal in a pot, purr enough milk into it, choope up blueberries and Banana to put it in to the boiling pot.

I make myself a coffee too, because i need caffeine in my System. When i sit down at the table to eat, I think to myself that the next time i could add some cinnamon or i do it without the blueberries and instead some raspberries.

After i eat it, i still had some leftovers of the porridge, so i take the rest in
to the fridge for my Mom to eat.

I stand infront of Hawkins High school, a girl comes up to me she has light brown hair, a pretty smile, wears a light blue top and Black shorts as she comes closer to me i can see her shoes, dark blue vans

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I stand infront of Hawkins High school,
a girl comes up to me she has light brown hair, a pretty smile, wears a light blue top and Black shorts as she comes closer to me i can see her shoes, dark blue vans.
" are you y/n?"
"Yup, that's me" The girls eyes get wider from excitement.
"Thank god i found you, i found her" she screams the last words towards two girls who i think are her friends "i asked a few freshmen already if they are y/n" she countinues while laughing, and i smile and pretend that i'm not anxious in anyway or form, fake it till you make it am i right?
"Oh, I'm so sorry i didn't say who i am,my name is Silver, we have simular classes so i got asked if i want to show you around and i said "sure' "
"thank you, um that's really um nice of you." I hate the way that i make this even more awkward.

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