In this together

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One of the guys in a white tank top who clearly has anger issues, uses a bat to try and break open the door with the words exit painted over it. Daniel flinches with each hit. "Don't you think it's a bit too obvious? Clearly that's not the way, there's no way it's gonna be that easy to get out of here." I say. "Shut up!" The man yells and keeps hitting the door. He finally gets through it but it's covered with metal bars blocking the way out. "Shit!" He yells and kicks the bars. "Told you." Daniel nudges me and the man glares at me. "I-I found a door!" The blonde women yells. We all run over. The woman in the pink tank top hands the guy a flashlight and we all slowly make our way down the stairs. "What the hell's an obee?" "Obi, and It's my name." The quiet guy says.  The guy in the tank top plays a tape that explains what we need to do and what Obi did. "Wait, you did this to us?" I ask. "You'd do it too if you were in my shoes." The man says. The guy in the tank top puts a knife up to Obi's neck. "You've got ten seconds to get us outta here!" "I don't know the way out." Obi says calmly. "Bullshit! You got us in here, you can get us out!" The blonde woman yells. "No I can't." Obi says. "You're going in there!" The man in the tank top yells. Obi uses the knife to cut himself a bit. "If your gonna threaten me with a knife, you might as well draw a little blood." Obi says. "He's crazy." I whisper and back away from the others and sit  on the stairs. Daniel follows me. "This is insane." I tell Daniel. Daniel hugs me. "Fine, but I get one of them." Obi crawls into the small oven. The tape specifically said only two but Obi got greedy and grabbed the third one too, causing the oven door to lock shut and turn on. "Hey! Open the door! Help!" "Shit! I can't open it!" The two men struggle to open the door as he cries out in pain. I sit in the corner covering my ears and holding my eyes shut tightly. Everyone is crying and panicking as the two men try to get him out. "Hey, there's a window over here!" Daniel yells. Daniel runs back over to me and stands me up. We walk over to the others. The men go to the back of the oven and break open the window, Obi crawls out as much as he can while crying in pain. I cover my mouth and cry at the sight of the poor man. Obi slowly dies. We all look at the dead man in fear. The man in the tank top runs over to Obi and checks his hands. "Damn it! Fucker didn't grab the needles! Fuck! Where the fuck are the needles?! We need the needles! Why didn't you grab the needles?!" The man yells as he shakes Obi's dead body aggressively. We all head back up the stairs and keep looking around. "You kids okay?" The woman with short hair asks. I nod. "What are your names?" She asks. "Y/n." I reply quietly. "And I'm Daniel." "You?" I ask quietly. "Amanda." She smiles slightly. "Hey! We found a door!" We hear one of the men yell from upstairs. Daniel grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs, following closely behind Amanda. We walk down the hall away to see the man in the tank top struggle to push the door open. "If it won't open then it's probably a trap." Amanda says. "This whole fucking house is a trap!" The man yells and continues to push on the door. "You guys are idiots, she said she's played before so we should listen to her!" I yell. The man in the tank top walks closer to me. "Leave her alone." Daniel says. The man keeps walking closer, backing me into a corner. The other man steps in front of him. "She's just a kid, let's just focus on the door. Alright?" The man scoffs and walks back over to the door. I let out the breath I was holding in. Daniel walks over to me and hugs me tightly. "You okay?" He asks. I nod. "I just wanna get out of this hell hole." I say. The man finally pushes the door open and we slowly step inside. Daniel notices something under the bed and points it out to the others. The man in the tank top moves the bed and reveals a huge pit of needles. The other man finds a tape and clicks it. The tape reveals the man in the tank top is named Xavier and explains what we need to do. Xavier grabs Amanda and throws her in the pit. "No, no, no! Amanda!!" I try to reach for her but fail. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Daniel yells. "Why'd you do that?!" I yell. "She's fine!" Xavier yells. "Hurry the fuck up and grab the key!" He yells. Amanda cries out in pain and starts searching for the key. "We need to help her!" Daniel yells at the others. Everyone ignores him and turns their head away from Amanda. "What is wrong with you people?!" "Hurry up!" Xavier yells. "Fuck you!" Amanda yells weakly while moving the needles around. She finally finds the key and hands it to Xavier, he quickly runs over to the door and struggles to put it in the keyhole. He finally puts it in but he's to late. The time is up. "No! fuck!!" Xavier yells and hits the door. Everyone continues to search the house. The blonde women sits down in a corner. Amanda sits with her. "X" the woman says weakly. We all look at her confused. "X marks the spot." She says while pointing to a broken frame on the wall. The women with long brown hair quickly grabs the frame and looks all over it. She finds something taped to the back of it and rips it off. She stares at for a moment then hands it to Daniel. "Is it true? Is he your dad?" She asks angrily. Daniel looks at everyone not knowing what to say. The blonde woman seizes and then dies. "I can't trust any of you." The woman with long brown hair says. She looks at us for a moment and then leaves. "Is it true?" Amanda asks. "Don't be mad at him for something his dad did, that's not fair. He didn't do anything." I say angrily. Amanda shakes her head and leaves. "You're just gonna leave us?" Daniel says. I grab Daniels hand and look at him. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get out of here together. We don't need them." I say. Daniel hugs me tightly. We hear Xavier yelling and Amanda runs back toward us grabbing both of our hands. "What's going on?!" I ask. "Just run!" She yells. We run right into Xavier and he smirks. We run the opposite way and accidentally split up. Me and Daniel run into a room and see the woman with long brown hair crying as her hands are stuck in a box and bleeding. "Help! Help!" She cries. "Shh! Shut up!" I whisper yell. "You try being stuck in a box, you dumb bitch!" She yells. I grab Daniels hand and run toward the door but Xavier walks in. We back up to the back of the room. He approaches the woman and moves her hair aside to check something. He starts walking toward us. "Danny..." Daniel holds my hand tightly. Amanda comes up behind Xavier and hits him with something and then grabs our hands and pulls us out of the room. We run into the first room we were in and see the other man on the ground with a bat in the back of his head. "Holy shit!" I yell. Daniel stares at the dead man, his eyes filled with fear. Xavier starts banging in the door trying to open it. The three of us run to the door and struggle to hold it shut. "There's nowhere to run!" He yells.  Amanda leaves from the door and pulls the bat out of the man's head. She walks back over to us and slams it into the ground right Infront of the door. "Wait, wait there's a door!" Amanda yells. She runs over and struggles to move the safe on top of it.  Daniel let's go of the door and helps her while I stay and hold it. "It's locked!" She yells. "Guys!" I yell as I feel the door becoming more lose. I look down at the bat, it looks like it's about to snap in half at any moment. "The key!" Daniel yells. "Where was it last?" "He had it last!" "Check him!" Amanda yells. Daniel searches the man's body for the key. "Guys! I can't hold it much longer!" I yell. Daniel finds the key and hands it to Amanda, she drops it  and then struggles to put it in the keyhole. Daniel looks over at me and we both exchange worried and fearful looks as Xavier's bangs on the door get louder. Amanda finally opens it. "Come on!" Daniel yells and holds out his hand for me. Amanda runs down the stairs. Daniel grabs my arm and shuts the door behind us just in time. We all run downstairs and get split up again. Me and Daniel run into a dark room and hide in the corner. The room is completely dark and quiet. The only thing heard is our loud breathing. "We're gonna die..." I whisper. "We're not gonna die, alright? We're gonna get out of here." I lay my head on Daniel's shoulder still holding his hand only I tighten my grip. Daniel wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. We stay like this for a while until Daniel breaks the silence. "But just Incase we don't..." he whispers. I lift my head up trying to see him but can't due to the darkness. "What?" "I need to tell you something..." "What is it?" Suddenly I feel his hands on my face and not even a second later I feel his lips on mine. He slowly pulls away. "I've liked you since fourth grade." He whispers. "I've liked you since third." I chuckle and pull him back in for another kiss. We hear Amanda yell in the other room. "Come on." I take Daniel's hand and pull him the opposite way of Amanda's yelling. "What about Amanda?" He asks. "Something tells me we shouldn't trust her. Let's go help that other girl then find a way out of this hell hole. We quietly walk up the stairs and go to the other woman. "Help..." she cries weakly. "I'll be right back." "Y/n, no! Where are you-" "I'll be right back, I promise. Just wait here." I kiss Daniel and run off to find something to help the woman. I find a crowbar in one of the hallways we hadn't searched yet and run back to the others. I swing it at the box and it shatters. I shatter the glass between her arms next, the razors fall off her arms. I take off my jacket from around my waist and hand it to her. "Here, this might hurt but it'll help." I wrap it around both her arms tightly and she yells out in pain.

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