For The Prophet Who Haunted Me

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My journey till now has been both extensive and intensive. I've come across many existences like constellations, transcendents, demon kings, dokkaebis, reincarnators, and returnees; even I'm one of them "The Cold Blooded Regressor". Yet the most intriguing, incomprehensible, yet straightforward existence was nothing but a mere incarnation. Her methods couldn't be seen through; they were complicated and cruel, but her motives were crystal clear to me; all of it was for 'The Perfect Night, for a world without constellations, restoring the world to its former peace.

Now that I think about it, both she and I were rather similar, yet so different. Both of us are cold-blooded and cunning, and we hate the constellations, who think of us as nothing more than playthings. Yet we could never get along. I wonder why? Maybe because both of us held a mirror in our hands, which showed both of us the ugly side of the path we followed. Does a dead man really care about the reason he was killed? Would they not resent us regardless of whether it was "Perfect Night" or the end of all scenarios? Maybe both of us were running away from this truth, or perhaps it's just me trying to justify my acts.

I still remember the grudge of the second regression; it all began when she betrayed me in the 46th scenario. I slaved away my entire life against my will. In the previous regression, we were allies. I truly trusted her. But even so, in later regressions, even after she became my enemy, I was glad that she existed and was the way she was.

As the number of regressions increased, so did the toll on my mental health as I was forced into hellish scenarios again and again. Every time I regressed, I was hit with splashes of loneliness. Those splashes soon became waves, which became tsunamis. However, just like every storm has a calm eye, there was one in this one too. It was none other than the prophet of <Asgard and leader of Zarathustra "Anna Croft". Every time I fought Anna Croft, I was relieved-relieved that I'm not alone, relieved that someone else is also walking a path towards hell. Even though she was the only one who could rival me, I still felt relieved that it was her and not someone else.

Soon, my regressions entered double digits. Things had improved a lot compared to the previous time; I had a lot more information and more ways to gain strength. But I just couldn't reach the final scenario, no matter how hard I struggled. It'll get better with the next turn; that's what I told myself every time things went wrong. This continued for quite some time; my regressions were now in triple digits. I was more devasted than I could've ever been. Every single moment seemed painful, but I kept going, knowing that the prophet wouldn't stop or give up; she'd continue to haunt me and my every existence in every single world line. She was an unbreakable sword that did not compromise on anything; she knew what she wanted and did everything to have it.

However, I wasn't the only one going through countless scenarios again and again. Anna Croft also inherited all of the memories of her previous turn using her skill; in a sense, she was also a regressor like me. Only one shared the same ideas as me and went through what I've been through. Even though we were almost always in conflict and against each other in some way, she was my only companion-someone who bore the same weight as me. In a way, she was sort of a companion to me, and even though she didn't regress, she went through the same pain as me. She was truly an unbreakable sword.

That was until my regressions reached over 1000. I still remember that you told me that you wouldn't be transferring my memories anymore to the next regression; however, I'd like you to not change. That was when I truly realised how hard the trial of time is; it's capable of turning an unstoppable force into a mere push and an immovable object into a feather. However, I truly believed you were someone who wouldn't change, but I was wrong. Therefore, oh prophet who haunted me, I truly resent you. I resent you for making me acknowledge your worth and presence yet leaving me alone again.

 I resent you for making me acknowledge your worth and presence yet leaving me alone again

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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