Coming pt16

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Nicks POV :

I was on the sofa ,watching an episode of garden rescue. I then got a text from Tori ,asking me if me or my mum could look after Ollie.which I was of course fine with.

I go to my mum's bedroom and knock on the door,It takes a few  attempts for her to slightly open the door."what's wrong Nicky?"she looks very tired.

"Umm ,Tori needs us to look after Ollie ."

She sighs but still smiles."give me five minutes!"

"Okay!"she shuts the door on me ,to go get ready. I go to my room and text Tori back.

"Nicky ,you ready?"


I get down and grab Nellie's dog bed,one that we only use when we are travelling.

We get to the car ,I have Nellie in my arms but mum looks exhausted .I really feel bad but Tori needs us."Mum?" She looks up at me "yes Nicky?" "Let me drive,mum!" She sighs and takes Nellie from me."No Nick ,it's too dark!" I whine knowing she is gonna get her way."NO Nicholas"I just roll my eyes and get in the front passenger seat.

We get to the springs house,then get out. I text Tori we're here,because I don't know if Ollie is asleep or not .soon enough she opens the door "hi Sarah" "hello dear!"  "Yea hi " I say trying to get some attention.

Once we had come in and taken a seat in the living room, I ask Tori "so what's going on?"She looks up at me "right ,I'm guessing you both know about the whole Charlie situation!?"we bot nod "okay so I tried talking to my mum about it,but she was being very defensive over the question"

I groaned. I knew this had something to do with Jane."then she decided she had had enough "I looked at Tori with a concerned look "she left!?"my mum questioned before I had the chance.Tori nodded slowly,knowing my mum she would have given her a 'signature Nelson hug'as Charlie calls it ,but she knows Tori doesn't like physical touch .

I'm tired I'm angry and I'm sad,these are not a good mixture.'were the fuck is he , we're the fuck is he!'

"WERE THE FUCK IS HE!?"did I just say that out loud ? .oh God!.

"Nicky I know you stressed but swearing and shouting are not the answers! "

Sarah's POV:

I'm not feeling the best,and I know Tori isn't either.but my poor  baby is beating himself up about it,I just know it .I just know.

"I'm just gonna check on Oliver!" I hear Tori say as she gets up," okay dear!" I say whilst smiling. When she is gone I hear a sniffle coming from Nick's direction, I rub his shoulder with my hand." I-I will be ,I J-Just need a s-sec" I just give his shoulder a squeeze and he gets up.

We really do need to find him.

Nick and Charlie The honeymoon stage (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now