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Kina POV
It was a nice evening Raph put our daughter to bed and we were settling down for a movie when I got a call from Nate my boss.

"Hey Nate what's up?"

"Hey Kina I know it's your night off but I need you to come in."

"Seriously? Who called out this time?"



Raph pulled me close and nuzzling my neck trying to calm me down.

"Yeah I'll be talking to her tomorrow. Please I'll pay you time and a half and double you tips."

"Ugh fine but I'm taking tomorrow off too."


"I'll be there."

Hanging up the phone and heading to get dressed as Raph followed me.

"Do you really have to go babe?"

"Yeah I'm sorry. He never calls unless it's and emergency. Are you okay with staying and taking care of Lily for me?"

"Kina I'll be fine taking care of our daughter. Be careful at work."

"I will I love you."

"I love you too."

Giving him a quick kiss before running out the door. Racing to the bar only to see it was complete chaos. The patrons were one beer away from starting a fight and a lot of drink were behind and the snacks were empty. Nate was running around completely lost and frazzled.

"Kina right on time help me!"

Fighting to keep my temper under control as I take the drinks from him.

"I'll take over just manage the drinks and snack. Also if you don't give Lena the ass chewing she deserves I'm gonna do it."

"Let's just get through tonight alright."

"Whatever. I'll calm the wolves."

"You're an angel."

Standing up on a chair and yelling.

"Alright y'all calm your asses down and sit down!"

They did exactly that eyes locked on me as I continued.

"I know a lot of you are missing your drinks and snacks but if your patient with me I'll get them to you as fast as I can."

They grunted in response as I climbed down and started bringing drinks as fast as I could while refilling the pretzels and peanuts. Everyone was almost calm and happy again until some hotshot weekend warriors came in acting like they owned the place. The youngest and loudest of them yelled.

"Hey lot lizard! Bring us a round of drinks!"

The entire bar went dead quiet at their comment. They watched me in fear and anticipation for what I was going to do next. Sucking air through my teeth and walking up with a fake smile on my face.

"Evening gentlemen what can I get started for you tonight?"

Now getting a better look at them only to see that they were triplets skinny, blond, pointy noses with too high cheekbones and brown eyes. The loudest of them said.

"Didn't you hear me lot lizard I said drinks. What you spent so much time screaming your hearing is bad?"

"First off my name is Kina not lot lizard and we have a variety drinks."

"I don't care lot lizard just bring us drinks."

My temper finally snapped. Slamming my hand on the table making them jump.

"Listen here copy machine rejects I will not stand for this disrespect. I'm giving you one last chance either use my name and tell what you want to drink or get out."

"You can't talk to us like that. Do you know who we are?"

"A triple mistake."


"Your mom failed to make a good kid the first time and ended up with three failures. Who's only achievement is learning to wipe your ass. Get out."

"I will teach to respect your betters."

He raised a hand to slap me but I was faster ended up breaking his nose. The other two tried to come at me but bikers came to my aid essentially throwing them out on their ass. Later that night I texted Raph telling him I was walking home when the three stooges came riding up.

Raph POV
I know it was a bad idea but I wasn't comfortable with the idea of her walking home alone holding Lily close and walking out to meet her. I heard grunting coming from a nearby alley. Cautiously walking closer to see Kina fight the bikers at the same time and kicking their asses. Until she noticed me and Lily watching her.

"Raph get out of here!"

She said when a fist connects with her face sending her to the ground. I wanted to help her but I remembered that Lily was in my arms. She rose to her feet slowly to see her eyes now dark and with fury. She took them down fast and hard leaving them on the floor bloody and beaten mercilessly. Her gaze focused on me with fury in her eyes as she stalked towards me.

"Give me my daughter."

Handing Lily to her and she walked home with me following closely behind. Once inside Lily was asleep and in her crib. Closing the door behind her only to blow up on me.

"What the hell here you thinking?! Taking her out at this time of night! What if something happened?"

"I'm sorry I wanted to walk you home."

"I didn't need you to walk me home. As you could plainly see I can take care of myself. She is the one that needs protection and you put her in direct danger."

"You're right I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about that."

"Being a parent you need to think five steps ahead. Assess every possible dangerous situation and how to handle it."

She sat down her hands shaking badly as she tried to breathe and calm down. Kneeling down and taking her hands in mine gently rubbing them.

"I'm sorry Kina I didn't mean to put her in danger or upset and scare you. I'm still new to being a parent but that's no excuse for what I did. I promise I won't do anything like that again."

"You better not Raph. If you ever do that again we are done. Do you understand me?"

My heart started racing at her words but I understood where she was coming from.



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