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Levi , Ollie , Ellie , Amelia , Izzy , Javi , are having some lunch at a diner in Pine ridge
"so you wanted to meet here" Ellie asks
"Yes we are going to go on a camping trip" Levi says ,
"Well it's going to have cabins so we don't need tents but you can bring sleeping bags Pillows blankets what ever" Javi says , "When are we going" Ollie asks , "Tomorrow afternoon around 3pm" Izzy replies , "do we have a place in mind" Amelia asks , "yes , there is a camp not far from here" Levi says ,  "Ok let's do it" Ellie says , Levi smiles ,
A day later , Izzy And Levi pick up their friends and drive to the camp , "here we are" Levi says Putting the car in park , Izzy parks her car as well and everyone gets out , "this place is nice , a nice lake to" Javi says , "yeah we could do some exercises here" Izzy says , "speaking of which , we will do a running exercise then we will train , since we were avatars we have to prepare for everything" Izzy says  Ellie remembers when she was captured by the Avatars she remembers that the Rangers had to rescue her ,"Hey , you good" Izzy asks Ellie walking to her , hands on her hips , "I'm good just had a little.. Flashback" Ellie says Izzy nods slowly , "yeah that's why we are training" Izzy says , "so what's the exercise" Ellie asks , "Last person standing , we will have different rounds , use any methods you want" Izzy says "ok Round 1 Levi and Ellie" Izzy says , "w-what no t-t-that's not really fair , I-" Ellie says , "oh come on You'll be fine , this is training" Izzy says , "Yeah I'll go easy on you" Levi says , "good , that makes me feel a little better" Ellie says , "3 .. 2.. 1.. ...go" Izzy says , Levi jumps up into the air then tries to punch , Ellie dodges and Kicks him down , Levi gets back up ,  he does a tornado kick Ellie dodges , Then she Jumps behind him and kicks him in his back , "nice , Looking good Ellie" Levi says , Ellie smiles , Amelia and Javi are next , "didn't feel like you went easy on me Levi" Ellie says , "yeah I only said that to calm you down , gotta be ready for any thing" Levi says , Ellie nods slowly , Amelia and Javi get in the middle , Izzy counts down and they begin , Javi runs at Amelia and tries a tornado kick Amelia dodges , Javi smiles , then Javi jumps into the air and tries to Kick again Amelia dodges Javi lands on his felt before he can recover Amelia kicks him in his back Javi turns around Amelia tries to kick him again Javi gets down on his hands and swings his legs around tripping Amelia she falls on her back , "darn it" she muttered , "Nice" Ellie says , Round 3 then who ever wins each round Like Ellie and Javi did they have to fight eachother , Ollie and Izzy fight next then Izzy wins , then Ellie and Izzy fight next "ready Ellie" Izzy asks , "ready when you are" Ellie says , "ok Go" Izzy says Izzy runs at Ellie , Ellie jumps over her , Ellie runs at Izzy to try and punch her Izzy catches Ellie's fist then Kicks her back , Izzy runs at Ellie and punches her Ellie runs around Izzy and kicks her then Izzy Kicks Ellie down "nice job Ellie , your skills are coming along" Izzy says she helps Ellie up , "thanks Izzy" Ellie says Ellie walks out the middle and Javi comes to Izzy in the middle , "Ready sis" Javi asks , "if you mean ready to kick your butt then yes" Izzy says Javi chuckles , then Izzy and Javi begin their spar then a few minutes later Izzy wins "ok nice job everyone" Izzy says , everyone smiles and cheers , "so what's next" Levi asks , "I guess we settle in , I think exercises can wait" Javi says , "agreed" Ollie says , the group unpack their sleeping bags , and get in their cabins , Izzy , Ellie and Amelia share a cabin same with Levi , Ollie and Javi "alright here we are" Izzy says , "this is exciting" Amelia says , "I bet there is a lot of unsolved mysteries here , maybe this can be the next Buzz blast" Amelia exclaimed walking around a little , "Amelia chill , Camp now story later" Ellie says , Amelia smiles , "right" she says , then everyone goes to sleep , except Ellie she goes to the front of the house living room , she looks out the window , and sees a man wearing all black and a mask there is a car behind him then he walks to the house Ellie gets out the window , and runs into the room , "Izzy , Izzy wake up" Ellie says shaking Izzy ,Izzy wakes up sitting up fast , "Ellie" she asked  "why did you wake me up" Izzy says "uhm" Amelia says Ellie and Izzy look to her , "what is going on" Amelia asks "listen I woke you up because I saw this guy with a mask" Ellie explained , "I'm sure it's a kid messing around" Izzy says , "or Javi is just being a dumbass" Izzy continues , "no way not even Javi would do something like this" Amelia says , "so Ellie where was this guy headed" Izzy asks , " it was going to the back of the cabin" Ellie replies "that's where the car is" Amelia says "we should get the boys" Ellie says , "yeah" Izzy says , Izzy Amelia and Ellie exit their cabin and go to the other one where the boys are , Izzy knocks on the door , Amelia and Ellie look around keeping a look out , then the door opens , and the girls go in , "Javi" Izzy whispers , then Amelia , Izzy and Ellie are scared out of their minds when they see who is before them , "Levi what the hell" Izzy exclaimed , "sorry I heard you guys and I came" Levi says , Ollie and Javi walk into the room , "did you guys see that man walk by not to long ago" Ollie asks , "yeah and I thought it was Javi or one of you just being a dumbass" Izzy says , "Excuse you" Javi says a little offended , "we should leave" Ellie says , "we should find something to defend ourselves" Ollie says , "yeah" Levi says everyone exits the cabin and gets to a garage it has a old car in it , "that looks like it needs some repairs" Izzy says , Levi sees a cabinet he opens it and sees some shot guns and pistols , "oh now this is what I'm talking about" Levi says grabbing a shot gun , "you know how to use it" Amelia asks , "yeah" Levi replies , "since when" Ellie asks "When I was 16" Levi replies , Izzy nods slowly , "Let's get out of here" Ollie says , everyone gets out of the garage , Levi and Izzy keep a look out then the guy Ellie told them about appears , he is holding a shot gun , Ollie sees him "oh shit , run!!" he shouts , the guy cocks the gun Levi shoots at him shooting him in the chest he falls down Levi lowers the gun , then he gets back up ,Ellie stops running  "Levi come on" Ellie exclaimed Then Ellie is shot in the Leg she screams and falls down , "Ellie!"Levi exclaimed , Everyone looks back Levi runs to Ellie and helps her up they continue running , the guy continues shooting at them , the group find a house , they get inside , they get to the living room blood is starting to drip down Ellie's Leg , "Levi lay her down on the couch" Izzy says , "ok" Levi says he puts Ellie down on the couch she lays down , Ollie sees the blood on Ellie's pants  , "guys she's losing blood" he says  , Izzy goes to the bathroom to look for a medical kit and she finds one , she gets a paper towel , a pressure bandage and a wound cleaner , then she comes back , "Levi , keep pressure on the wound" Izzy says giving him the paper towel Levi grabs the Towel and presses down on the wound Blood squirts out on to Javi , he gasps , "guys I think her blood got in my mouth" Javi says , Levi looks to him , "oh no , no you're good it only got to your chest" Levi says , "are you sure" Javi asks , he looks to Ollie , "yeah its fine nothing you're good" Ollie says , Amelia rolls her eyes , then Izzy puts her finger to Ellie's neck to check her pulse , "her pulse is steady" Izzy says , "ok what's next" Ollie asks "get a pillow to Elevate the wound to slow the blood down" Izzy says , "ok" Ollie says he grabs a pillow Levi lifts Ellie's leg Ollie puts the Pillow under her leg then Levi lowers it slowly then Izzy gets a pressure bandage and puts it on the wound Javi holds Ellie's hand during the process , "we should call some one" Javi says , Levi looks around and finds one of the old style rotator phones , "I found one" he says then Levi dials the number the phone rings then "hello" Levi says , nothing , "anybody" Levi says then there is static , "Shit" Levi says he puts the phone down he walks back to the group , "nothing , he cut us off we're on our own" Levi says crossing his arms , Ollie sighs , "Dammit" Izzy says , "hold on I'll try my phone" Javi says he takes out his phone from his pocket and dials 911 , then static nothing , "that didn't work either" Javi says , "we really are on our own" Ollie says , "we should get to the car" Amelia says , Javi helps Ellie up and everyone walks to the car , Amelia gets in and turns the key nothing , "what's wrong with it" Levi asks , "Let me check" Ollie says ,  Amelia pops the hood Ollie opens the hood of the car , then Ollie inspects the car , "the wire is missing  that man he disabled the car" Ollie says , "me and Javi will get our car" Izzy says Izzy and Javi run off to find the car , "wait that car in the garage it might have the part we need" Ellie says , Ollie and Amelia run to the garage Amelia breaks the window open with a hammer , and pops the hood , Ollie lifts the hood and finds the wire , "there that's what we need" Ollie says he carefully takes out the wire and Amelia and Ollie run back to the car , "we got it" Ollie exclaimed , then revving is heard in the distance the group look to it it's SUV with the guy in it , "Oh shit" Ollie says , "Get the car started I got this" Levi says he takes the pistol out he cocks it , "Levi.." Ellie says , "go" Levi says he steps in front of the car , Ellie and Ollie get in Amelia gets in the drivers seat and turns the key the engine strains , "Oh no , no come on" Amelia says , the car starts driving to them Levi shoots the glass , "Amelia hurry" Ollie exclaimed , "I'm trying" Amelia says , Levi shoots at the engine of the SUV , Ollie looks at it , "what the hell is that car made of" he asks then Levi pulls out his shot gun and starts shooting it's still not working Bullets are hitting the car but it isn't going through , "Running out of Ammo here" Levi exclaimed , then Levi runs out of bullets , "correction I'm out" Levi says , then a car rams into the SUV , both cars sliding to the side , Levi and the others look to the car , it's Izzy and Javi , "are you okay" Izzy asks , "I'm good" Javi says , then the man gets back up , then Amelia starts the car , "Get in" Ellie exclaimed Izzy and Javi get in the back with Ellie Amelia presses on the accelerator and the car speeds off , "ok that was way to close" Ollie says , "Holy shit" Javi says , "so what do we do now" Levi asks , "you mean after we get this guy off our tail" Izzy says looking back everyone looks behind them , "he just wont quite" Ellie says Levi loads his gun , "dude that doesn't work remember" Ollie says , "I can still try" Levi says he opens the sun roof and sits up and aims at the Car , he shoots at the engine , Amelia speeds up the car then Levi shoots two of the tires they pop and the car swerves out of control it crashes into a pole , "looks like he didn't upgrade his tires" Levi says sitting back down , "We need somewhere to hide , that car won't stay down forever" Ollie says

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