Before the Raid

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Battlefield Trip Meeting


No one's POV

The Elite Five and Satsuki Kiryuin were assembled to the Student Council tower as they plan out their strategy.

Sanageyama: Athletic Committee squads one through eleven is ready to deploy. They're the Raid Trip Brigade for Osaka.

Nonon: Non-Athletic Committee squads one through eighteen are ready to go too. They'll be the Raid Trip Brigade for Kyoto.

Gamagori: The Discipline Committee can manage the Kobe Raid Trip Brigade on it's own.

Y/n: That's pretty big role, you think you can handle it?

Nonon: No one wants to see you commit seppuku if you blow it, Ira. Cleaning your guts up would suck balls.

Gamagori: Don't worry, we will succeed.

Y/n: My Shinobi Unit's elite squad one through three will be in charge of the covert operations within the Kansai Region. They'll be deploy alongside the Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto.

He then had the smug face.

Y/n: So don't worry Sanageyama, when you start choking in the battlefield just remember I have your back to bail you out.

Sanageyama: Bite me, Rabbit.

Inumuta: I formed an Info Strategy team with computer club using Two-Star students from Info System's class. Each city's systems data network are under our control. We're monitoring all communications in and around the high schools as we speak.

Satsuki: Iori, are the special uniforms ready?

Iori then appeared on the big screen.

Iori: Yes Milady, the special anti Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto combat spec uniforms are ready for deployment. They're being distributed to the Raid Trip Brigade now. As for you elites, your Three-Star Goku Uniforms are still in the works, the finally adjustments will take sometime to complete. That's why you were giving the special uniforms as the other students. 

The elites took a second to look at what they were wearing. 

The Toad wore a yellow tracksuit from the Discipline Committee Squad.

The Dog wore a blue tracksuit from the Information Gathering Team.

The Snake wore a pink tracksuit from the Non-Athletic Committee Squad.

The Monkey wore a green tracksuit from the Athletic Committee Squad.

And the Rabbit wore a black tracksuit from the Covert Operation Squad.

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