When your sick

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Honestly this one is easy to write, cause I'm pretty sure i might be sick now, so enjoy!

-Tam would make you stay in bed all day, causing some comments to come from your mouth, without your permission. He just rolled his eyes and left to grab the supplies.

-He went to the store Slurps and Burps, he got some elixirs and some of your favourite snacks and ran home to find you wandering around the house, he picked you up, bridal style and plopped you back into bed.

-"Stay there and don't move." he said before he went into the kitchen to prepare the elixirs as well as some bottles of youth and some healthy snacks to speed up your recovery. Keefe knocked on the door, and when Tam opened it, his face was thunderous, Keefe backed up and basically high-tailed out of there, knowing that Tam was not in a good mood to deal with him.

-Tam went back up stairs and cuddled next to you, while keeping you warm and making sure you don't do anything that might make you more sick. The two of you spent the entire night cuddling and eventually after 1 and a half days you felt better and was cured! All thanks to your sweet boyfriend.

Another chapter done ! Thanks for the patience! Have a good day/night! - Moonstar

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