Why...? Everyone...

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The fight against AfO was long. Everyone was exhausted, nobody wanted to fight anymore.
But there was one person who loved them. He tried everything to make them smile. His name was Izuku Midoriya. He was soo pure. And he fought the most.

On his left Todoroki and on his right Bakugou. They never left him. They cared so much. But they never forgot what happend...

The war was bloody. Aizawa already lost his friend Midnight. He was sad. First Oboro then she. Shigaraki is so strong...

In the second week of war, all students of 1A went against AfO. Deku had a plan. They thought they could win. Nobody noticed as they left to fight. It was a quick fight.
Everyone died. Deku was the first, because He was the first to fight Shigaraki. Todoroki couldn't take it and his brother took the oppertunity and catched Shoto. It was a deadly hug.
Bakugou only stared at Izuku and screamed his name. His childhood friend died. He promised to himself he would protect Izuku with his life. He failed.
Everyone panicked as they saw the big three die. It was a chaos. Some killed their friends, some was killed by the villians. In the end they failed.

Failed being a hero.

Failed being a student.

Failed being a kid.

Failed Aizawa.

It was awful. No words could describe what the UA-Staff felt as they saw the class. Screams could be heard. Some gags and somebody cried. It was a bloody morning for all. But Aizawa didn't let one sound out. He stared into nothing. It looked like he could see the souls. The souls which said goodbye. Said sorry. Cried. Left...

The Heroes didn't do anything. They sat in the battlefield and cried. The villians saw that. And then they realized what they did. Spinner killed himself. He hurted kids and good heroes. Stain would have had his head. Dabi and Toge handed themselfs in. And Shigaraki just stand there. Looking at the body from someone who tried to help him.

He felt to the ground. Screamed sorry, please forgive me. But noone did.

A long time later was the last funeral. They wanted to burry everyone kid by kid. To give them respect. They were all burried next to eachother as class. The last was the sunshine.

Inko cried and cried. Her Last words for Izuku were
"We love you to the moon and back. We will never forget you. You ARE the best hero who ever exsisted in history."
Mitsuki was not there. She put always the strong mask on, but she wasn't strong. The death of her two sons broke her.

Nedzu said that all of them were too young. Mic said they saved the world. But Aizawa could not say anything. Something was stuck in his troat and his world spinned. He only could say "My students...". He then fell and dreamed.

He dreamed that all of the 1A lived. They laugh and have fun. But it was a Dream and he woke up. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. Do you know this feeling? It was terrible.

He could see his scars and remembered. The scars aren't only from his years of heroing. No. He hast a pretty ugly past. You know?

Everyone has flashy quirks but he? His quirk is considered bad. He can erase quirk. Nobody want to loose their strength. His class bullied him, they said He is a freak and should leave. Nobody want someone with that quirk. He believed them. Thought they were right. After all the teacher didn't help. He know that quirkless people had it worse. But this childhood left scars. Not only on his skin, also in his mind. Simply, he has trauma.

Everyday since the class died was the same. Wake up, drink coffee, go to work and find reasons to expell his new class. He can't believe that Nedzu already gave him a new class. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to get fired. That's the only way out of UA. He signed a contract, so he stayed at UA as teacher his entire life.

Aizawa wanted to be with his class. He wanted to die... He remembered Oboro and the time after Oboro died. His memories were blurry and incomplete. But he could remember. It was a dark month. He harmed himself and tried to commint several times. Hizashi was always there for him and saved him. This time is not like that time.
Hizashi couldn't help today.

Also Hizashi lost almost his entire class. Only a few survived the war. Who am I to joke? The war was the most traumatic time for them. Monoma even thought that the bullying wasn't that Bad compared to this... this... i don't know how to call it.

Hizashi himself was depressed. He never lost someone from his class. So He didn't knew this feeling. It broke him. He has therapie for this problem. Aizawa didn't. Everyone thought he don't care about his class. But this wasn't true. He would give his life if that changed the fact that they are dead.

I am not gonna lie he has voices in his head. Every day and every night they told him to die. He couldn't save his class so he need to die. It would be the best for all of them. Aizawa slowly believed them. I mean they are there all of the time. He couldn't think about other things. So he made plans. Plans to off himself. Nobody wanted him to leave but He didn't know that

And now we are in the present. The truth is that this is the end of this story... The end is in a roof in a world far away. In this roof a teacher with a broken heart. He isn't only a teacher. No he is a hero too. And that broke him.

He was on the edge ready to jump. Suddenly he hear a scream. It was Hizashi. He didn't speak with Hizashi for a long time. Mabye He say goodbye to him? But he have this letter. So he let go... and Fall.

This is the end. I wanted to make a short Story with an open end. You can decide If he die or not. It's on you. The idea ist from a TikTok Video. Hope you like it. Disclaimer the Charakter aren't mine only the story. If you want more leave a comment.

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