Watching a Movie with him

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Enjoy the chapter!

-Tam and you decided to sneak into a human movie theater, and the movie Tam had chosen was unfortunately for you a horror movie.

-You sat near the back with him and curled up next to him. He had one arm around you and one arm on his seat,as the movie began to play. You had some classic buttered popcorn, with some sweets from home on the side.

-Ever since you had the salty, delicious treat you were in love with it. Tam was happy to buy you some. Even though he was very bad at human money. Anywho, the two of you lovebirds were sitting peacefully for the beginning of the movie. Until a jump scare came out and made you practically jump out of your skin.

-That was more scary than anything you have seen in the Lost Cities, beating even Keefe's attempt to make mallowmelt, it looked like a soggy marshmallow with some green in it. But this topped it, no argument.

-When you jumped, you jumped into Tam's arms with a cute little yelp and he held you for literally the entire movie. You just sat on his lap, being the cute, scared girlfriend you were.

I don't blame anyone if this is like themselves, this is literally me, no joke I CANNOT HANDLE SCARY MOVIES!!! Anyways those people who can handle them, you are amazing! On with the story!

Le timeskip later....

-After one traumatizing and long movie later, your sweet boyfriend light-leaped you back home, after he had made sure you were comfy and cozy he was about to leave but when he was about to leave, you made him stay. 

-Knowing you were going to dream about some very scary things tonight, being the amazing boyfriend he is, he stayed the whole night and comforted you. He stroked you hair and tried to tell funny jokes, which made you laugh either way due to him mostly just mimicking Keefe.

-What he said; Happy Shadow Thoughts

-As his ending statement for the night.

-The two of you cuddled for the entire night and woke up in the morning, and after making Tam promise not to take you to a horror movie EVER again, you two had breakfast.

Here's another chapter! Sorry for the wait, school's been really kicking me all over the place. 

Also I don't know whether I've mentioned this person, but they are the sweetest and you should go and check them out! This person is.......


They helped support me and is the newest follower! So shout out to her! I'm sorry if I got your gender wrong, if i did please put in the comments.

Next chapter is coming out soon! Have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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