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Gotten to know him as a man not just as her professor. She fell asleep wondering what the man was like during sex. Normally he was reserved and very gentle but would his animal instinct take over in the thrills of passion? If only she could find that courage her house was known for and tell him how she felt. The next night at dinner she found herself stealing more glances at him than normal. He was sitting right across from her talking to Harry. She looked at his eyes, the way his hair touched his face, and the scar running across his cheek. She wondered what the rest of him looked like. She knew that he had many scars over his body but he always stayed covered up. Remus and Harry were laughing about something, what she did not know or care. She was thinking about her fantasy last night wanting his lips on hers. She feels heat in her belly down to her core and her knickers became wet. Remus was hit by the wonderful smell of a woman's arousal. He followed the scent with his nose ending up looking Hermione in the eyes. "What is it Hermione?" he asked smiling. 'Merlin she has beautiful eyes.' he thought feeling a twinge in his pants. "Nothing" she replied shaking her thoughts out of her head looking down at her almost empty plate. 'Why can't I get this man out of my head.' She thought. Remus began talking to her about a book to try and get his mind off of what was going on in his pants. Everyone around them started to clear the table...but they stayed for a while just talking. He was the only one she could really talk to. Finally she realized they had been sitting there for over an hour by themselves. She got up to wash her plate in the sink. He watched her walk away. She really had grown into a beautiful woman and always been intelligent... all those curves... He shook the thoughts from his head and looked down at his plate. "She's half your age Remus." She was at the sink running her plate under the tap. "If only you knew how much I love you" she mumbled to herself. Remus

Remus could not believe he just knocked on the young witch's door. He could hear her heart beat speed up gradually as she got closer to the door. She opened the door slowly to find Remus standing there with his hands in his pocket, looking down at her. "I do want you Hermione Granger." With these words her knickers were instantly wet. He smells her arousal and smiles. "But you don't need me you need someone your own age someone that is... not a werewolf and can provide you with everything you deserve" he said. "You have everything I need... and want." she said moving closer to him... wanting to touch him but stops right in front of him. Looking in his eyes. "Your intelligent, strong, brave, handsome and gentle hearted." she touched her hand to his chest. He took his hands out of his pockets and put one hand on hers. Oh gods she felt so good. "There is also a monster inside that I can't always control." "But the man is always in your heart and I know in your heart you would never hurt me" She reached her head up and

Wand and continued her way deeper. Hermione smiled when she spotted the large bright white rose. She quickly grabbed it and gently placed it into her bag. She rose to full height. Hermione heard a loud howl and her heart pounded hard against her chest. She knew that howl. It wasn't just a stranger. It was the werewolf, Moony. Hermione didn't know why but she howled answering his call. She didn't have to wait for long before she stood face to face with a large grey werewolf. Moony slowly walked up to the human and sniffed her neck. He yanked her into his arms and licked her neck. He turned her around till her back was facing him. He ripped off her underwear and impaled himself into her. Hermione screamed out in pain when he broke her virginity. He howled at his claim and enjoyed mating with her. Moony sank his teeth deep into her right shoulder. Hermione passed out from the sheer pain. He licked away the blood and gently laid her down on the forest floor. He laid down next to his new found mate. The werewolf noticed the sun was raising. He shifted into human form. Remus found the clothes he had hidden in a nearby tree. He got dressed and carried Hermione to the castle to the hospital wing. He would keep the truth that he had in fact changed her and mated with her.

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