A Killer Intent

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Velenhein's pov
The Deich was probably the only organization to actually take me in as their own. I know I've been passed around from Foster home to the next but that didn't seem to bother them. As far as they told me I was very cautious at first until I wasn't sent back to the adoption center on my first failed escape. So what father did was train me hard and good to become what I am now.
A 15 year old assassin.
Since he was a Mafia leader he let the assassins take me with them on missions. They taught me how to become an assassin, father taught me how to handle weapons, mom taught me all about poisons and how to get information, and finally brother taught me how to cope with emotions. That's also why I wear this mask, he gave it to me for my departure. I kid you not I killed more people than the infamous genicidor syo. (did I spell that wrong?) I almost cried when I got the invitation to hope's peak academy. I didn't want to leave! I still had a lot more things to learn and see with my family! Even the mafia men and women still have things to teach me!! Even with all my protesting all they did was insist that I go. Knowing that I could become the best assassin that made my reasons to go list longer but still meaningless. Keeping this in mind I remind myself each hour that I'm going there for them. My family. And no one else. Whatever the costs I shall not see as to show mercy.

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