Help me

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3rd person pov

Chanel and her college Mark was going over the body to see the cause of death, his assistant was out and ask her to help

"Somebody, anybody, for the love of God, im not dead!"

"Forensic Pathology, 2211" they heard over the PA, as Chanel grabbed the camera beginning to take pictures

"Wake up, Lyle, move something. Anything. Come on, get her to notice" 

Chanel put the camera down as Mark came over with the sharpie marking Lyle's body

"This isnt happening. Damn it, Lyle, wake up" Lyle yelled to himself 

"i dont wanan die!" Lyle yelled as his eye twitched, and lifted his hand grabbing something and hitting Chanel, as he gasped awake as Mark looked at him wide eyed holding the hand saw still

Before passing out the hand saw cutting him, as Chanel was passed out on the floor blood leaking from her head

Lyle grabbed the phone from Mark shivering as he dialed 911

"911 what's your emergency?"


Chim and Hen walked into the room they didnt see anything until Lyle jumped up

"Oh, hey, down here!" he called waving them over

"Woah, woah, woah. Chanel?" hen said looking at the passed out girl, blood around her 

"Wait, you...i... your'e"

"At teh psychic's house. you-you-you were.."

"I was dead" Lyle said standing up

"Oh, you might want to, um... I had to improvise" he said pointing to the towel around Chanel head, and the one around Mark's leg 

"I got him, you get Nel" Chim said looking at Hen as she nodded 

"Wound's pretty deep but no severed arety" Chim said checking Mark's wound

"She's good, just a gash on the back of her head"

"im gonna hit him with some amyl nirite"

"ow!" Mark yelled waking up "Chanel? where is she?" he asked looking at Chim

"She's fine, she cut the back of her head, and she might have a concussion from how hard she hit the ground. She's still asleep but should wake up soon" Hen explained going over and helping Chim calm Mark down

In the end Lyle had narcolepsy, Mark had to get stiches on his leg, and Chanel got staples and a couple days off as she has a concussion

"Go away!" Chanel yelled, wincing when her head pounded

"Nel's i have a key, im coming in" Buck said unlocking her door and coming into the house 

"I got food" he said coming into her bedroom, she was wearing one of his hoodies and shorts, she had sunglasses on and an ice wrap around her head

"baby, you gotta take your meds, and eat" Buck said sitting next to her as she groaned

"Nooo, the light hurts" she whined hitting his arm

"Come on, ill turn the lights off and shut the curtains" he said kissing the top of her head, before turning the lights off and shutting the curtains

All I Wanted • Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now