Chapter Thirty Five: Pincer Attack

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35. Pincer Attack


A/N: Really happy you guys enjoyed the last chapter, though you showed me how much of a simp yall are for Mr. Sciencer here. I have more treats for you that I'll sprinkle throughout the chapters, teehee.

Q: You guys got any other characters that you simp for?


"Did you guys leave last night? I heard you guys walking around and shuffling in your sleep after."

Kinro had questioned both you and Senku the moment you had woken up to get ready. Upon hearing that question, you did you best to keep your composure. Your pulse had quickened, and your face was beginning to heat up ever so slightly. Looking over to Senku, you saw that he just shrugged and kept a straight face.

"The slowpoke couldn't sleep and wanted to keep a lookout. We ended up watching a meteor shower and got tired after that happened," your boyfriend explained nonchalantly as he slowly turned his gaze toward you.

"Oh, I woke up just to see it! It was so beautiful, I ended up falling back asleep again," Kohaku exclaimed with a grin.

You hesitantly replied, "Yeah, it was quite...eventful."

Your boyfriend had a subtle smirk as he looked at you, causing heat to rise up your face once more. He then began his work for the morning, continuing to use his sextant and draw his map. You all followed the lioness, who led you down the light path. The telephone that Kinro carrying on his back had also begun beeping as you traveled along. Soon, the girl stopped.

"This is no good!" Kohaku cried out as she she jumped into a tree with the black light. "Once we cross the river, the lights disappear!"

"Tsk. My tracking powder has been perfectly washed off, huh? Did she notice it from the UV light of the sunrise...?" Senku wondered.

Kinro then spoke up as he looked at the phone on his back, "By the way, this thing's been making noise the entire time we've been moving. Should we really just ignore it?"

"Right...I was gonna explain it to you. That's just a call from our local, friendly telemarketer, Gen-sensei. He's communicating via Morse code by using the ringer," the scientist informed all three of you.

You added with a nervous smile, "The most simple way we can say it is that they're texting us...but you guys don't understand that."

Kinro and Kohaku were confused, since they didn't understand examples from scientific civilization. You also knew that they didn't understand the concept of writing, so there was no other way to explain it in an easier way.

Senku then placed his map down once the ringing had stopped. All of you gathered around as he begun to point and speak, "Just a few kilometers ahead of us, Gen's reported position and Homura's route will collide."

"But that means Homura has discovered Chrome's tean and started tailing them, right?!" The lioness frantically questioned.

Chuckling, the green-haired boy continued, "Kukuku, now isn't that priceless information to have? Since we're receiving information about everyone's location, we can see the arrangement of all the pieces on the board! We can come up with a pincer attack!"

He begun rapidly pressing the ringer on the cellphone, while the three of you watched him.

"So, what's the strategy gonna be?" You wondered.

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