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Just Like Our Old Job

Tw: Sexual Harassment

You eyed Tim, annoyed. When you drove down the strange road you saw near the broken down blue car, you drove slowly. You saw a big house infront of you. looked old but decent. You entered the already open gate and parked in an empty spot. You saw two other vehicles in the front lawn you assumed. You opened the door and walked out of your car. There were bloody footsteps that lead from the baby blue car,trailing towards the front porch. The front door had a pool of it just dumped at the front. The crimson liquid had a strong smell even from afar. Or maybe the baby blue car had a dead body in it. You shrugged it off and looked at the clean, spotless motorcycle that was parked beside it. It looked like it was old, but it was clean. No rust anywhere. Like it was brand new. You took your gaze off the vehicles, supressing the urge to steal either one. You walked back to the car and shook Tim awake. He groggily lifted his head up from the window and looked at you. "What happened?" he asked. "Time's over dude, pay up. A hooker's too busy to have a man in her car." You said as you ran your fingers through your hair, smiling. He looked at you with visible confusion, his brows knitting and forming a slightly horrified expression, before he dropped it. You laughed at him, who pinched the bridge of his nose. He was fed up with you already.

You calmed down with a chuckle and pointed at his house. "We're here. Also I think we have visitors." Tim rose up from his seat and looked out. He looked completely panicked. "Nooo... no no no I told them you had to fucking.. warm up to the place before they come in." Tim pushed you out of the way (rude as hell) and put his hands on his head when he saw the blood that trailed from the car to the blood that pooled at the front door. "Fuuuckkk..." He cursed before speed walking to the front door. You followed and left your stuff in the car. You looked at Tim, who didn't even spare you a glance. You heard two people screaming somewhere in the house. You rolled your eyes and followed Tim who was practically stomping inside. The yelling never really subsided or stopped. Tim looked pissed. You wanted to see the scene that would play out. You were a gossipy bitch out for drama. You ignored the blood that was everywhere and looked into the kitchen that Tim walked in. There were two people. One was really angry, and the other was completely calm, but the energy that the calm person radiated said otherwise. Things were tense as Tim walked towards them to break the fight.

"Toby, stop yelling. Brian, I thought you knew better than pissing housemates off and letting them get angry like this." Tim coldly said. Toby, which was probably the guy with the brown hoodie, and also a really big red gash on where his cheek should be, stuck out his tongue at the other guy. The other guy, who you assumed was Brian, crossed his arms in response. He wore a strangely familiar yellow hoodie and a ski mask pulled up just right on his forehead. You eyed the three of them, who were trying to solve an argument. You'd interfere if it weren't for the fact that Tim said something again. "We have agreed that you two would be on a roadtrip to stay out for a while so she could get comfortable in the house." Tim stated, sounding a little more calm that before. "Goldfish?" Brian asked. "Goldfish." Tim responded and gestured at you, who was standing and leaning on the wall on the hallway. Goldfish? "Why goldfish? Pretty stupid and nonsense nickname choice." you asked from behind. Tim spared you a glance, his eyes, his retinas were carving your own with his stare. You never really realized how intense eye contact with him was until now. "W- wuh- well, since Tim thought you need- needed such sss- suh- ssspecial treatment having us leave for an 8 hour roadtrip-- whistle just so you could, quo- quuoo- quote on quote, adjust to the environment- tuh." Toby said, looking at you as he tilted his head. You could see his eyes gleam slightly in a moment of interest. "And you've got the memory of a goldfish. It's kinda pathetic seeing you panic while looking at those polaroids." Brian added, as you could practically hear a slight smile just by the tone of his voice, despite being indifferent. Polaroids? Oh right, the ones Tim gave. Reminds you of the yellow hooded man. Your brows crinkled for a moment, before you made a face that looked like realization. He was the man who held up a peace sign on the picture of your murder. Donning the same yellow jacket and mask. He snickered and smiled slightly at you like he knew exactly what you were thinking.

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