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a/n: so, because school has started like a week ago, mental health issues started again. so, i'm gonna try to upload at least once a week at the minimum, because school's really draining mentally and physically.

i'm also needing to find more plot points, plus plan the ending of the fic cuz i'm so not prepared to write that yet. once more, feel free to suggest stuff for me to write :3

this chapter also holds quite a bit of angst, so be prepared my loves

content warning: mature language, heavy gore:

~chapter 14 - lover's spat part 2 ~

"hello, love. did you miss me?" the man in the ghost mask asked, closing the door behind him as he came in. you were quite excited that he had come back, one of the reasons being he wasn't home much any more at all.

"yes, very much." you reddened a bit as you spoke. normally you had been quite solemn, but around him, you couldn't contain your happiness.

however, you were a bit nervous. the small box he held, yes, it was pretty, but it looked odd. suspicious even. the bottom of it looked a bit more.. reddish. but that didn't matter, perhaps it was just the lighting.

"i got something for you," he took off his mask, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks. he handed the box to you, the tag being visible. the tag read "to; (y/n), love, billy."

"who's billy?" you questioned out of curiosity, your head slightly cocking to the side. "that's me, darling." he chuckled, but it was more to that of a snicker.

you finally knew his name. ghostface had went to your school, it was one of the things mentioned in one of your many conversations with him. "what's your last name?" you were still quite curious now.

"loomis. billy loomis." it was a bit scary how honest and open he was being, but nonetheless you appreciated it a lot. "now open it, silly goose." he added. you giggled at his reply, and began to undo the red ribbon.

you opened the box carefully as to not drop it. as soon as you opened it, your breath hitched in your throat as tears welled in your eyes. it felt as if you couldn't breathe.

the gift he had given you was full of blood. it was a human heart and it was still beating, pumping blood out.  "do you like it, my love? i got it specially for you~" he was quite excited to see your reaction, however, his face fell a bit when he saw.

"i-i.." you couldn't speak as tears slowly streamed down your cheeks. he took away the greatest gift from someone away; life. he tore apart a family, just to give you a living heart.

blood streamed down your hands and arms as you shook. how could he have gone from so romantic to so terrifying that quick? you set the  box with the heart in it down on the glass coffee table next to you. "i-i'll be right back.." you murmured, walking straight past him.

you entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind you and locking it. as soon as you locked it, you broke down into sobs. "why did it have to be me..? why couldn't it have been somebody else..?!" you spoke to yourself, choking down more sobs.

but, could you actually feel upset? was this his way of expressing his love and undying devotion to you? still, it wasn't excusable. he was a murderer, and you were probably his next victim. you didn't want to believe it, but you probably were.

there was one part you couldn't understand. why would he have been so protective? why had he helped you after stabbing you? billy was a cold hearted killer, nothing more.

but oh, was he pretty. nearly everything about him was admirable. from the way he made his jokes to how he styled his hair, it was all perfect. maybe in another universe, you could be with him and he wouldn't be a murderer

it pained you so much because you did truly love him, but it just wasn't meant to be. not at this date, this time. perhaps a century from now, but just not in this timeline.

maybe in another universe, he wouldn't be bad.  your mother would still be alive. you would have freedom. he wouldn't be a killer. maybe life would've been perfect for you. but not right now.

it had been a few minutes since you entered the bathroom, and billy began to grow concerned. he gently knocked on the door. "darling? are you alright?" his tone was soft as to not upset you further.

"just go away.." you murmured, but it was still audible to him. and he didn't like that. billy did not like that one bit. "don't fucking speak to me like that." his soft tone of voice was now gone.

you opened the door to speak to him face to face. your face had dried tears along the surface of the skin. "billy, just stop it. you gave me a human fucking heart. you killed someone. you a tore a fucking family apart!" you were getting upset now too.

"so? i did it for you!! that is all that matters, but you can't fucking take a gift i give you!"

"i don't care if you did it for me! this is such bullshit!! first you try to kill me, twice for that matter! second, you isolate me from the world. third, you kill my mother. and now, you give me the heart of another human. god, i don't know how i could ever love you!"

"i'm the only person you need in your life, (y/n)!" the shouting progressed.

"you're just a fucking asshole! nothing more!"

"for fucks sake! why don't you appreciate anything that i do for you?!" i did appreciate the stuff he did for me.

and with that, i pressed a hard slap to the side of his face, leaving a faint red hand mark. "get the fuck out." you spoke with a cold and calculated gaze.

"excuse me?" billy was still quite upset, even more now than you've slapped him. "i said get the fuck out!" tears welled in your eyes as you repeated your previous demand, this time with a more harsh tone. "you know what? fine." without another word, he placed his mask back on and left.

_end of 14_

a/n: okay so wow. i had quite a bit of trouble writing this, but i mean i guess it's in two parts for a reason. anyway, i'm gonna try to post atleast once every week if i can.

i'm currently writing this while i'm camping, and it'll be published soon cz i have my ways but i don't have data

anyways, yes my loves, i'm gonna continue this!! i'm also working on a playlist for the fic, which will be released when this is finished.

also, my one month anniversary with my gf is next week!! :33

bye bye now lmao idk what else to write

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