Chapter 7 - It's THAT Time

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Just about two weeks after I became a girl, I experienced my first period. Kaeru's dairy had described them as "usually cramps for one day, then small cramps for two days." Since she didn't go into much detail past that, I figured it wouldn't be too bad.

There was a knock at the door. Amana's voice called, "Can I come in?"

"It's unlocked," I called back.

Amana opened the door and came in. She giggled when she saw me curled up on the bed in my pajamas, then walked over and sat down beside me. "How is it?"

"Much more painful than I thought," I whined. It felt like someone kept squeezing my insides tightly, pain all throughout my hips and upper thighs. "I have to experience this every month?"

Fortunately, it happened on a weekend. I didn't know if I could go to class through the pain. At the very least, it would embarrass the hell out of me. If anyone else saw my suffering, at my age, they would certainly think less of me.

"The intensity changes month to month. Some will be easier. Maybe you just got unlucky this time."

"I hope so."

Amana reached into her bag and pulled out a thin packet. "Warming patches can help with the cramps. Do you want me to put it on for you?"

"Uh..." I almost agreed right away, but something in Amana's voice made me nervous. "Where does it go?"

Amana formed a triangle with her index fingers and thumbs and placed it over her lower stomach. "Over your uterus, of course."

"I'll put it on myself!"

I snatched the packet from Amana and started reading the instructions.

Amana laughed. "Do you have any food cravings? If it's something simple, I can go buy it for you."

"Hmm." I searched my feelings. "A famichiki... And a vanilla Coolish..."

"Oho, so you're the type to crave junk food, I see. Grease and sugar, hot and cold, got it." She pushed herself up. "I'll be back in a little bit."


Once she left, I lifted my shirt and lowered my pants a bit, sticking the heating pad to my skin. After it warmed up, it provided some relief. It didn't make the cramps go away, but I could bear them easier.

Amana returned before long with a bag from the nearest convenience store. She handed me a rectangular piece of fried chicken, a blue pouch of drinkable ice cream, and a plastic tub of assorted fruits.

"You should at least eat one healthy thing," she said.


She pulled out a sandwich for herself.

"What do you end up craving?" I asked, nibbling at the juicy chicken. I didn't know if my cravings were due to the period or just normal.

"Well, not everyone ends up craving food," Amana replied. "But, cup noodles."

"Not much better than me."

"If our periods end up syncing up, we only have to make one stop," Amana chimed.

I tilted my head. "Does that happen?"

"Well, people say it does?"

"I guess we'll see."

Once we finished the food, Amana gathered the trash into the bag and set it aside. She crawled behind me on the bed and placed her hands on my lower back, rubbing.

"What are you up to now?" I asked.

"Massaging is supposed to help."

"Should I lie down?"

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