Mindy:ok listen up as scary as this is I'm glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time the way I see it someone is out to make a sequel to the ReqleAnika: what's a Reqle
Mindy: save questions to the end
Sam: stab one took place in woodsbro stab two took place in college
Tara: are they trying to copy the movies
Mindy: that's one possible Hero's now I'm collage Check suspicious new characters to round out the suspect list and/or body count but it can't just be about stab 2
Tara: why not
Mindy: because that's a sequel and no one makes sequel anymore we are in a franchise and they are continuing rules to a franchise
Sam: of course
Mindy: One everything is bigger than before bigger cast bigger body cont bigger chase scene shoot outs beheads
Jake : beheads?
Mindy: yes two Everything that happened last time, expect the opposite.and three No one is safe, legacy character not important anymore brought back to be killed off in some cheap bit of nostalgia not looking to good of Gale, Kirby Main characters are completely expendable now which means any of us can go at any moment especially Sam and Tara
Jake: any of us
Mindy: yeah
Jake: im i going to die a virgin
Mindy: that's a weird over share
which brings us to our first suspect Ethan the shy kid that no one suspects because he's so shy and doryEthan: why am I on the list because I'm roommate
Mindy: roommate lottery can be rig two Quinn the roommate that loves Sex and Anika never trust the love interest
Sam: ok we have the suspect and rules
Ethan: what about you guys with if the fame you got from the killing made you want more some of thinks online about Sam are
Abby: watch it
Max: Hey let's be honest here the 5 of us went through this last year we aren't doing this
Abby: his right we aren't let's go home now
They started walking home Abby was in the back of the group Tara walked to her
Tara: hey
Abby: Hi
Tara: you ok?
Abby/ I'm fine
Tara: I'm sorry for being a shitty friend
Abby: it's fine
Tara: I just want you to understand that I don't want an relationship with you well anyone.
Abby stopped walking
Abby: that's a lie Tara you want a relationship just not with me you want a mental stability relationship with Ethan so you can be with him because I'm done with you don't want me so I don't really care about you anymore
Abby walked away fast walking past the group and they were very fare ahead Max looked at her
Max: Abby!! What's wrong
Abby: nothing I'm perfectly fine thank you I'm just walking home now the. Probably going to sit on the couch then I'll get the looks from Tara so I'm perfectly fine just leave me alone yeah thank you