Unknown Friend

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The traffic light trio were walking around the city, doing nothing in particular. Mei and Mk were just messing with and annoying Redson as usual, nothing out of the ordinary... in fact... nothing had been "out of the ordinary" for a while...

Mk and the gang have been having a nice time on vacation. They were laughing and playing, living carefree like they used to. Though everyone was having a good time, there seemed to be something off... They've had no problems for about a mouth now, and everything seems like how life was before the "easy" stuff. Everything was going too well... at least, that's what they thought.

As the three were walking into another store to mess around in, Mk accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry 'bout that, bud!" He said in an upbeat, apologetic tone as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you okay?" He said in a nice voice, looking at the person in front of him. It was a bit hard to make out the face, but it seemed like a blackish-blue haired woman. "It's no problem, I'm fine." The woman said in a calm voice, though, she seemed to be rushing somewhere... She was looking around, and it was hard to miss her eyes darting around the place, looking for something... Somewhere...

"Oh, okay then! Well, see'ya, I guess.. Sorry again!" He said while going into the store. "Yo, is it just me or was that lady kinda... sketchy..?" The dragon girl asked as she looked back over her shoulder. "I felt a weird connection thingy when she walked past... I don't like that." The hot head said, rubbing his arm while looking uncomfortable. Mei and Mk laughed at their hot-headed friend saying "connection thingy".

They continue walking around in the store, causing slight accidental mayhem and having to pay for some property damage, before finally leaving the store and leaving another place a mess. Mk had found some time to buy the three some snacks in their time of chaos, and they were all joyfully drinking slushies while laughing and making jokes. Even Redson made a joke or two, which surprised the other two.

After a while of walking around, the three decide to finally call it a day. Mk makes a cloud back to Monkie King's mountain, and he waves to his friends before leaving with a smile on his face. The wind blew through his hair as dashed over to Wukong on his cloud, his day seeming to go well like his other ones so far. Although, while riding on his cloud, he couldn't help but think back to what Mai said... 'Wasn't that lady kinda... sketchy..?'... It stuck with Mk a little, but he just shrugged it off for now.

Unknown's POV:

"Oh, okay then! Well, see'ya, I guess.. Sorry again!"




"Don't even worry about it... Monkie Kid..."

I walked away from the kid, only flashing him a smirk before leaving. My movements are quick and hurried as I basically scurry away from the little group, trying to quickly find an alleyway. "Come on, come on...." I mentally curse myself for not doing this sooner.

Suddenly, I feel the silver 'crown' on my head tightening around my temple, causing me to take in a sharp breath. I stop and lean against one of the brick walls next to me, not caring about the weird looks I'm getting. I can already feel the blood in my mouth as I try to steady my breath. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no.... Come on, Come on..!" I think to myself as I slowly force myself up. I slowly but surely make my way over to an alleyway, just in time for me to relax.

I look around, making sure no ones behind me before I take a breath and- 

"Are you okay..?" A voice asks... SHIT.

I turn around, making sure my face is hidden so that the person couldn't see the obvious ink and blood dripping down my face. "Yes... I'm fine, so you can leave me alone now." I say dismissively. "Wait..! You're that sketchy lady from the store!" The person says, the voice being a woman's... heh... it's funny how life just does all the work for you. "Well, who taught you manners, young lady?" I say ominously, putting my hands in my jacket pockets. I didn't want to scare the girl... yet... but it was a little irritating having someone down my back like this... especially the all determined Mei the Dragon girl...

Oh, hehe... sorry, it's just... you look sketchy as hell." The girl said with a small nervous chuckle. "So... Whatcha' doing back here in this dark ol' alleyway anyway?" She said with a smile as she continues to annoy me with her presence. I only smile, and go further into the alleyway to get away from her... unfortunately, Mei only followed behind me. I sigh, and summon a cloud. I get on it and fly away from the girl, not caring about the small mistake I just made. The blood that was dripping down my face had long stopped, and the only thing left was the ink. The ink coded my body in thick, black, slightly goo-like substance, my eyes and mouth being the only thing visible thanks to the blueish-teal color illuminating from them.

I sigh softly, slowly sitting down on my cloud as it takes me to my destination... Sun Wukong's mountain.










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