To All The Little ones

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To all the little ones out there in the world, still filled with innocence not touched by life's cruel force.
These words keep close to your heart,
You'll never know when you need the courage just to stand up and say:

It's okay to cry it doesn't mean that you're weak.
It just means that you've been strong for too long.
When the tears fall don't cover up the pain,
you'll only be digging your own grave.

Mama and Papa are busy today,
they're turning away from your suffering soul.
But keep a hold of hope and maybe things will change.
You never really know.
Your head lies to you, says nobody cares,
but you just have to find the ones who do.

People Lie to little girls every day,
saying beauty is pain.
Pain is knowing they're starved of love.
An essential but it isn't free you have to give to get it.
But still, sometimes you still lose it all.

These are the words that I wish I was told.
If I ever asked for advice.
But I was scared & learned to depend on only myself.
I'm still undoing some of the hurt.

But I'll learn, I just don't want any little ones making the mistakes I did.

When I was a child my dreams were always filled with pain.
I had new nightmares every night.
My family would leave me in life all alone.
Fire, sickness, crashes & shootings,
New ways to die every night.
I'd have to move across the country to live with strangers only to wake up crying.
Some say they want to live forever,
but don't realize what a curse it would be.
To watch all your loved ones pass on by without you.
I'd accepted death as inevitable by the time I was 5,
to me life is the scariest thing.

These are the words that I wish I was told.
If I ever asked for advice.
But I was scared & learned to depend on only myself.
I'm still undoing some of the hurt.

But I'll learn, I just don't want any little ones making the mistakes I did.

You can never go back to erase your past or mistakes.
They say today is a new day,
but people always remember.
So is it really all that new,
if you're still being judged on acts of yesterday?

It's okay to want more for yourself and your life.
But be prepared to work.
If you only complain you'll be solely mistaken and nothing good will come.

These are the words that I wish I was told.
If I ever asked for advice.
But I was scared & learned to depend on only myself.
I'm still undoing some of the hurt.

But I'll learn, I just don't want any little ones making the mistakes I did.

Try not to lock up your feelings inside,
you'll never learn how to feel.
I wish someone told me this when I was small,
so take these words to heart.
Keep your eyes open & your heart open more,
kindness should always come first.
But don't let them mistake your kindness for being naive.

My brothers protected me for as long as they could.
But life has other plans sometimes.
Keep your heart closed for shop, but let people in.
You never know when you'll be stabbed in the back.

Be yourself & you'll make your real friends,
Never hide who you are.
If people can't love you then that's on them.
And you'll have more space to love yourself.
You'll only find you when you're not pretending to be someone else.

These are the words that I wish I was told.
If I ever asked for advice.
But I was scared & learned to depend on only myself.
I'm still undoing some of the hurt.

But I'll learn.
I'll learn.
I'll Learn

I just don't want any little ones making the same mistakes I did.
But I've learned,
I just don't want any little ones making the mistakes I did.

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