I'm (NOT) Obsessed!

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*Petra POV*

"-Etra... Petra!" I hear a voice call out from behind me, shaking me back to attention.

"Shh!" I hiss at the woman behind me, who I now see is Reimu.

"What do you mean-" she starts to ask before I grab her down behind the bush I was hiding behind.

"Keep quiet Reimu... Elira might hear us," I whisper to my best friend, staring at Elira from behind the bush.

"Again, Petra? Why're you so obsessed with this woman?" Reimu asks, sounding defeated.

"This is Elira we're talking about, Reimu! She's so beautiful, sweet, intelligent, caring, and lovely! Also, I'm not obsessed, I'm her girlfriend... she just doesn't realize it yet!" I declare, which earns me an unamused look from Reimu.

"Uh huh, really now? Why are you stalking her if she's your girlfriend then? I've never seen you like this before..." she trails off, and when I look back for Elira, I realize she's gone.

"Great! You made me miss Elira! Thanks a lot, Reimu... anyways, was there something you needed?" I ask her, slightly annoyed at my missed opportunity.

"Well, I was coming to see if you were busy. I'm bored, you down for some Apex?" Reimu asks.

"Oh sure! Wait, I have homework to do, but after that I'm down!" I agree, shooting up, which causes a girl walking by us to jump in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry Maria!" I fiercely apologize, helping the doll girl up.

"Heh, good job Petra," Reimu jokes as Maria chuckles.

"Watch where you're- oh my, Petra?! Oh, don't worry, it's okay, I know you didn't mean to spook me. But um, why were you in bushes? Wait, let me guess, Elira business?" She asks, and I nod.

"You know it! Isn't she just so amazing?" I ask, and the doll girl chuckles even more.

"She is pretty, I'll give you that. Not as pretty as you, but still!" She pronounces, earning a sigh from Reimu, and a proud smile from me.

"Aww, thank you! I personally think Elira is prettier, but I'll take the compliment! Hopefully Elira will notice my beauty someday!" Me and Maria giggle, and I wave goodbye to Maria as she goes on her way.

"Well, I'll be going back to my room. Just shoot me a text when your homework is done, and we can hop on," Reimu states, smiling at me.

"Alright! But um, you seem a bit annoyed right now, are you okay? I didn't anger you, did I?" I ask, worried that I've angered my best friend.

She lightens up when I ask that, and gives me a smile.

"No, I mean, your antics with Elira do get a bit annoying sometimes... but I could never be mad at you, Petra. I hope you know that, you can always count on me," Reimu reassures me, which causes me to hug the ghost girl.

"You're the best, Reimu! Alright, I'll get that homework done right away, then we can game!" I yell, and run off to my room room to finish my homework.

"Alright, tell me when you're done!" Reimu yells after me.

*Five minutes later, Elira POV*

Hmm, I thought I heard something from from those bushes... but I didn't see anything. I've felt like someone's been watching me for a bit now, but I'm probably just overthinking it

"Yo, Elira!" I hear Reimu call out.

"Good evening Reimu, do you need something?" I ask the ghost girl, curious as to what she needs. Her and I don't usually talk that much, so her approaching me was a surprise to be sure.

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