Chapter 1: Across the World

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Back-tracking a few minutes before Ares talked to FS and Nancy, we found him talking to someone else about an essential plan for their future. They talked, finding out situations and ideas as they both worked around the lab, testing and trying new things as they chatted. But as they chatted, something came to mind for Ares…

Ares: “Wait… what if we sailed across the Elementia Seas as a way to find newer resources and old relics of the past.”
*Pulls out an Old Map*
“Since our world used to be connected, the lands were split apart from each other ever since our greatest war.”

???: *Looks at the map* “But this was 200 years ago. there's no way we’ll be able to find the Old Lands with this.”
“Besides, how will we know if the lands that spread across the seas are even still out there?”

Ares: *Tsk tsk* “My dear friend Cortex never underestimates the world we live in. It’s all possible if we try hard enough.”

Cortex: “Ares, we’ve been friends for, god knows how long, and yet, I still sometimes never understand you.”

Ares stops looking at the map and slowly sighs. He turns his head and gazes at an old picture they took before the world split apart. He reminisces about the good days of the past and smiles.

Ares: “Sometimes Cortex, you have to take the gamble and roll the dice.”
*Grabs a pair of dice*
"And if luck is on our side."
*One lands on a 2 the other, a 5, a perfect Seven.*
“Chance is on our side.”

Cortex: “. . .”
“Heh, that was pretty Lucky, man.”
“Well you got me, Your Majesty, I can’t doubt you that easily.”
*Pats Ares’s shoulder*
“You can count on us, we, the Elementia Code.”

Ares: *Smiles* “Thanks, Cortex, I couldn’t ask for a better scientist than you.”
“Now… how are we gonna make a ship? Metallic materials, wood, something…”

Cortex begins to play around with a Holo-graphic projection, putting piece by piece creating something out of it, Ares stops and begins to watch him. Cortex smiles a bit after seeing how Ares is watching him work and starts to pick up the pace. Soon, he was finished.

Cortex: "Perfect… It’s done.”

Ares: *Nods* “It’s a beauty.”
“Now, it’s time to find those two.”

Cortex: “Those two? What do you mean?”

Ares: “You’ll find out soon.”

As he said that, he walked out of the lab, leaving Cortex to his work. Cortex sighs, continuing to work on the ship he has created, putting the last few touches.

And now we cut back to the time when Ares had talked to FS and Nancy.

FS: “What do you want, Ares?”
“I don’t have time for more nonsense.”

Ares: "Well, it’s quick, so stay for a bit.”

Nancy: “Yeah FS, maybe he needs something from us.”

FS: “So then, what do you want from us, Ares?”

Ares: “It’s gonna be weird to say this, but,”
“This mission I want you both to do is,”
“Explore the world.”

FS and Nancy stood silent…

Nancy: “WHAT?!?”
“Ares, are you-”

FS: “Crazy!?”

FS looked at Ares with a disbelieving face. He put his hand on his face, shook his head in disappointment, and looked at Ares.

FS: “You know how impossible that is???”
“Nobody ever has come back alive while adventuring Elementia’s World!”
“Are you trying to kill us?!”

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