General Zod

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A bunch of SHIELD agents took Y/N, now in handcuffs down the corridor of the Helicarrier to the interrogation room. Y/N's surrender took everyone by surprise, they never expected that he would have given himself up. 

Nat: Why're you surrendering to Zod?

Y/N: I'm surrendering to mankind, there's a difference.

Y/N and Natasha sat across from each other in the interrogation room, his hands resting on the table which Nat glanced down at

Nat: You let them handcuff you?

Y/N: It wouldn't be much of a surrender if I resisted, and if it makes them feel more secure then all the better for it

Natasha chuckled before looking at the S on his chest.

Nat: What's the S stand for?

Y/N looked down at his chest and smirked

Y/N: It's not an S, on my world it means hope

Nat: Well here it's an S, how about... Supe..

Before she could finish the intercom sounded

Hamilton: Uh sir, hi my name is Dr...

Y/N: Emil Hamilton, I can see your ID in your breast pocket. Along with a half eaten roll of wintergreen lifesavers.

Hamilton pressed the inside of his jacket to see he was right

Y/N: I also see those SHIELD Agents in the next room, preparing their tranqualizing agents, you won't need them.

Bruce Banner stepped up to the window before speaking

Bruce: Sir, you can't expect us to not take precautions, especially considering what happened recently.

Hamilton: Plus you could be carrying some kind of alien pathogen.

Y/N: Been here all my life Doctor, haven't infected anyone yet.

Fury then spoke before Bruce or Hamilton had the oppurtunity

Fury: That you know of, we have legitimate security concerns, now you've revealed your identity to Agent Romanoff, why won't you do the same with us?

Y/N: Let's put our cards on the table here, Director.

Y/N stood up and pulled his arms apart, breaking the cuffs with ease. This caused the SHIELD agents and Hamilton to step back but Fury and Banner where unmoved. Y/N then approached the window looking directly at Fury with the help of his X-Ray vision.

Y/N: You're scared of me because you can't control me, you don't and you never will. But that doesn't mean I'm your enemy.

Fury: Then who is? Zod?

Y/N: That's what I'm afraid of.

Fury: Be that as it may, I've been given orders from the World Security Council to hand you over to him.

Y/N just nodded understandinly

Y/N: Do what you have to do Director.

Later Y/N, The Avengers and a SHIELD task force were seen in a deserted area, he had talked a little with a couple of them, especially with Captain America. Y/N had always looked up to Steve when he read about him as a kid, and to meet him was truly an honor.

Y/N and Nat stood across from each other, standing a decent ways away from The Avengers.

Y/N: Thank you

Nat: For what?

Y/N: For believing in me

Nat: Didn't seem to make much difference in the end

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