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"I can remember that day ever so perfectly." I said as I made a small grin. My name is Lanie Rogers. My best friend was Kenneth Feré. "We were on the school bus on the way home from school." He was listening to Colors of the Wind. "He was such a dork." We were so close. "We always shared earbuds. But..that was the day.." We split from one another.

"I was always happy with Kenneth. He made me laugh with his witty humor, and he was my biggest supporter in everything I did. Swimming, dance, track, you name it. He always showed up with large signs that bore my name, Lanie, with cute borders and encouraging sayings. No, he wasn't my boyfriend, but he was my best friend." Unfortunately, all of the fun we had together stopped on November 6th due to a complication. A complication that changed my life for the worse.

"The complication had never broken me down this badly. You made me happy, made me sad, but never failed to make me become myself today. You've been my best friend since we were both 4, took me to adventures until the end and we've been through thick and thin, together and forever. Kenneth, what made you become friends with me? What made you start this magical, amazing and spectacular life with me in it? I could never understand why you would want me, Lanie Rogers, to be your partner in crime for the game we call life. After all, you are Kenneth Fére, always happy, always popular and always confident. I hope that we were each other's best miracle in our two different and contrasting lives."

"I just wish the day had never happened. I wish it could reverse. I wish out friendship was still lasting. Kenneth..why would he leave me. That jerk.." It was too sudden. It was at a horrible part in my life


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