Chapter 21

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Ruhanika despised being in an embarrassing scenario, and right now she was basically sitting in an unpleasant circumstance with the last person on the planet she wanted to see

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Ruhanika despised being in an embarrassing scenario, and right now she was basically sitting in an unpleasant circumstance with the last person on the planet she wanted to see. And to top it all off, her dumb hair was stuck to his clothing's buttons.

Each time he moved, her hair was tugged, her scalp was pierced by a sharp pain, and she cried out in pain. She wanted to retaliate against Sitara for the scenario she was in at the moment. If only she hadn't carried out that silly deed now. She wouldn't have been sitting with the man who seemed to be her alleged spouse while soaked. 

He was staring at her with his beaded eyes. It made Ruhanika more conscious, and she drew further away from him. She didn't perceive the man's existence to be very pleasant. She merely wished to keep up a respectable relationship with him by the time she returned where she wanted to.

She had no intention of starting a new life when she entered into this marriage with him. Her goal was obvious from the beginning; she wished to lead a life of seclusion and serenity. In that place, Yug can never step in.

"Ruko" As he observed her fruitless attempts to flee from him, Yug prodded. She, however, paid him no attention. She basically wished to get away from him. He realized it was a hopeless attempt, so he kept quiet and let her try till she was satisfied, and when she was tired of her pointless attempts, a shriek escaped from her mouth. 

Yug tried to help, but her actions to move away from him indicated that she didn't want to be in close proximity to him. Yug exhaled, and his breathing fanned on Ruhanika's neck, making her movement even more frenzied, and she began pulling her hair more savagely, trying to disentangle it.

He had been progressively learning to appreciate her comfort and serene demeanor. The ring of her anklets, whenever she moved across the room, caught his eye more recently despite her muteness, which accentuated her silent presence. He snapped out of his reverie when he heard her agonizing grunt.

"Ho gayaa tumhara. Now let me." Yug remarked, and Ruhanika gazed at him, her honey orbs glistening with anguish. She averted her gaze to avoid him straight away because she didn't want him to notice how miffed she was. She had a proud personality.

It must have hurt her a lot to bring tears to her eyes because he had never seen her weep before. He grabbed a few hairs and kept them on her left shoulder slowly. When his hand touched Ruhanika's collarbone, she flinched. Yug quickly pulled back his hand, raised it in submission, slouched his shoulders, and let out a tiny sorry.

Then Yug began to unbutton his shirt while also untangling her hair from it. Under his palm, he felt the texture of her hair. Under the yellow bulb light, it was smooth and those curls shone. He untangled every one of them gradually. Ruhanika sighed and stepped up, only for Yug to realize that her few strands of hair were still intertwined with his locket.

"Sunno tum-"

Before Yug could intervene and stop her. He made a step forward to stop her as she went forward to enter the house, but as he did, his feet slipped on the wet floor, and he fell, taking Ruhanika with him. And because everything was happening so quickly, Ruhanika was unable to comprehend anything. Everything happened in a flash.

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