Prologue: Death of a Nation

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Year: H-441

Location: Lands of the Covenant

Home to the 12 tribes of Harmonians

The Last Great Battle

Ēitan's hands pressed firmly against the stone table, his unique eyes- one a vibrant silver, the other a bright amber-- were focused on the map before him. The Harmonian's homeland was being threatened at an unprecedented scale. Their great enemy, the Takers, had spawned at an alarming rate, intent on a single goal; to eradicate every living Harmonian.

Takers were vile and deadly beasts. Their origin remained a mystery though Harmonians had speculated their abrupt arrival for years. Discord among the tribes. Hypocrisy. Selfishness. Likely a combination. One thing was for certain, rebellion had called them forth.

Ēitan's reinforced grey jacket fell to his thighs, the brass buckles swaying with every thoughtful shift. A pair of high waisted trousers were tucked into meticulously polished leather boots. He rubbed his jawline, his large expressive eyes revealing a determination within to bring those beneath his command to victory. Scanning every square inch, he considered his enemy carefully, aware of their conniving battle strategy. Attack, overwhelm, and cut off. The idea had him shift his focus toward the The Vast Lakes; a vital transport and escape route for Harmonians. With a curt nod, Ēitan looked toward the group of soldiers with him. His index finger pressed firmly against the drawing of The Vast Lakes. "We need to create a strong point of defense here. Take two hundred of our greatest fighters away from the western front." His tawny fingers drew a circle around the blue lakes to emphasize his point. "Takers know if they deplete our supply of food and medical treatments, they could take this region with ease."

"It's a brilliant plan, but will the elders listen? They've been determined to protect the west because of their love for our First Temple. You know how they wish to protect the sanctity of that city." Ēitan's right hand man, Roi, was unwaveringly loyal to his commanding officer, but the High Counsel did not like to be questioned, no matter how powerful and influential the Harmonian was. Roi, who often said the first thing that came to mind, could attest to that truth more than most. 

Ēitan's intense gaze shifted between those in the room. He had seen them through countless battles. Their survival a direct result of Ēitan's inspirational speeches, impressive resourcefulness, and a unique ability to recruit the best soldiers. If anyone could lead Harmonian's to victory, their faith was in him. "I'm not seeking their approval." He said, unabashedly. "Are any of you?" Ēitan was a man of action and and a preserver of his people. No Harmonian tradition would outweigh his love for each life.

Ēitan's words shifted the atmosphere, the group glancing between one another knowingly. "We came here to fight alongside you, Ēitan." Avya expressed; her next words as fiery as her orange eyes. "I'm not going to let someone else's pride stand in the way of Harmonian survival."

"A breech! A breech in the front line!" The words twirled around them howling with the wind-- amplified by an Air Harmony who projected his voice through his connected Source-- a desperate cry for help and a broadcasted warning.

"To the front!" Ēitan bellowed, giving Ravia a familiar gesture, the Wind Harmony sending forth Ēitan's words at once. "To the front! To the front!"

Harmonians gathered from every corner of the underground structure of stone, racing forth in unified purpose. Ember Harmonians formed orbs of yellow flames, while Wind Harmonies shouted, 'Celerity!' to enhance the speed of Ēitan's entire fleet.

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