Friend to boyfriend?

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wei ying's pov

I completed all my class ,goes back to my apartment , made dinner ,set alarms and goes back to sleep. I was super excited as my long time crush finally noticed me and invited me to library.

Next day ( Author's pov)

wei ying was all excited to meet her crush, she was so excited that she reached library at 8 am in the morning as she reached there very early she decided to read books to kill time.when lan wangji entered library he saw wei ying was already inside but what was she doing, she was crying? he looked carefully and saw wei ying was reading a book and crying, what was the title, he read title slowly "IT ENDS WITH US " he chuckled . " how much of innocent she is that she is crying while reading a book" he thought. He didn't know how to approach her as she will maybe be embarrassed . he get closed to her and cleared his throat to make his presence known. Wei ying was very embarrassed as her long time crush caught her crying while reading book. " how worse can this be" she thought.

" do you perheps want to go canteen for breakfast its so early maybe you didn't eat breakfast yet?" lan wangji asked 

" yes yes lets go" she said while trying to escape from this situation.

After breakfast they both went back to library and started studying, wei ying didn't notice that lan wangji was few centimeters away from her face when she realised she ran away in excuse of finding a book.

" What the fuck was that?" she exclaimed, her heart was pounding. soon lan wangji came to search her he cagged her in his arms and said " What are you running away for ?" wei ying's breath got heavy , she blushed because of closeness with her crush, she was stunned when lan wangji asked her something totally unexpected.

" Do you want to rule my heart? Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked very gently, his voice was super soft . With very difficulty wei ying nodded causing lan wangji to smile brightly. when he smiled wei ying's heart flewed away from her chest.

" Alright girlfriend , let's go for lunch date " he asked while trying to hold his laughter while seeing flustered face of his wei ying.

Unknown place

" hahahahahhahahahhahahaha wei ying you finally got him as your boyfriend huh but don't worry your happiness won't last long if I am not happy I will not let you be happy" if someone was to see this person they might think that he is crazy since he laughing while crying there was a hint of sadness and tinge of pain.

" I hope you you will be well"  She said while trying to stop her tears as she saw her most important person of her life losing his senses.

At lunch

Lan wangji was staring and admiring beauty of his girlfriend. His girlfriend! Oh how much he liked calling wei ying as his.Meanwhile wei ying was nearly dead with his boyfriend stares she was soo shy that she couldn't even bring topic of conversation even being the most talkative person.

They roam around whole college hand in hand getting stares from passerby wei ying had her head low due to shyness while lan wangji was too proud.

Day just passed like that and lan wangji offered to send most beautiful girl of world home he saw  her getting inside her apartment as she waved him goodbye.  He was about to go but he saw a person covered in black hood heading toward the direction of his beloved. He had gut feeling this wasn't going to be nice but he was in dilemma as to go inside his beloved apartment or not he didn't want to make his beloved uncomfortable so he just decided to observed.

Wei ying was inside her apartment jumping around telling her bestie yanli that how her friend turned into  her boyfriend  she was all excited when suddenly bell ring interrupted her. She open the door but found nothing she thought someone was playing prank. She went back inside her apartment and helped yanli cooking. Yanli was teaching wei ying to cook when again there was knock on apartment door this time yanli went to open the door and wei ying was adding water in pan. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!   she immediately run toward the door to see yanli.
"  what happened yan.." she stopped as she saw a dead mouse in a box infront of her apartment but was she terrified?? well....No if wei ying as to compare to normals people like yanli who will screamed their lungs out and gets terrified no matter boys or girls she was nothing like that she was too brave to be human.
" THIS FUCKER EVEN GET ADDRESS OF THIS APARTMENT?"   she screamed frustrated at first when she received these things she was a little bit terrified but that fucker seems to have less brain as these thing later didn't had any effect on her . In her previous apartment it was just a matter of time when she will received this heartwenching gifts! she will just throw away those things that fucker seems to not understand that he can't threaten her using her . She is confident she can handle herself but when it comes to people around her she gets anxious.  Just then her boyfriend lan wangji made an entrance that surely terrified the soul out of her.
" What the fuck is this? " Lan wangji exclaimed as he glared toward Wei ying who seems not too much bothered about dead mouse at her doorstep.

10 minutes later

"  SO YOU ARE SAYING YOU FUCKING GOT THESE SO CALLED GIFTS FROM A LONG TIME AND DIDN'T BOTHER ABOUT IT."  lan wangji screamed but controlling his voice because he didn't want to shout at his beloved. Wei ying gulped and nodded while trying to calm yanli down. She took yanli to her bedroom and made her sleep forcefully as she returned she saw wangji was deep in thoughts she didn't like that his boyfriend was troubled because of her she was about to say something but lan zhan interrupted her with something that made her blush and shocked.

" Move in with me " wei ying looked at him he didn't seemed like he was joking.
"why? it isn't so serious"  lan wangji looked at her in disbelief Fuck she is too brave how can this not be serious!
" You are moving in with me no comments"  He didn't like to order her but thing wasn't as simple as it seems if that person stopped sending these gifts  long time ago because he realised his beloved wasn't terrified of these then why he send it today! it seemed like he is trying to target wei ying through someone else he saw how wei ying was disturbed as she saw yanli almost having panic attack. That means only one thing not only wei ying people around her will also suffer as that fucker will target wei ying through the people close to her , he couldn't let wei ying stay by herself as it was too dangerous! so he had to order wei ying to move in with him. Only this way he can guard and protect her not only from that fucker but also some of his friend.

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