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No one pov:

Naruto and Itachi were trying some sweets then suddenly a guy approached them and it was a handsome one

"Umm hello?"said the guy to Naruto
"Ohh hi!"said Naruto
"Soo...umm I was thinking if your free to hang out your cute"said the guy as he smiled and hearing the compliment Naruto blushes
"Ohh uhh thank you but....i don't know I'm here with someone"said Naruto as he point Itachi and when the guy looked at Itachi he was already looking at him with his sharingan activated
"Ohh ahh sorry are you couple?"asked the guy already frightened
"What!! No we are not you got the wrong idea!!"said Naruto in frasturation
"Yes we are so you should leave.."said Itachi coldly as he hold Naruto hand
"Ohh okay sorry!"said the guy as he ran away
"Ahh itachi-san it was not necessary..."said Naruto
"I think it's better to hold hands so that no one will approach is"said Itachi
"Ohh okay.."said Naruto as he nooded and Itachi was kinda pleased with it

Then out of nowhere fireworks started to burst feeling up the empty sky into a beautiful view

"Woah... itachi-san it's so beautiful!"said Naruto as he looked at the fireworks with big duo eyes
"Are you enjoying it Naruto?"asked Itachi
"Certainly!!"said Naruto with a big smile

The next morning

Both Naruto and Itachi were having breakfast while planning out their mission

"So itachi-san where do you think the hideout will be?"asked Naruto while eating
"Umm well from my research they have two companies aka job! One is trafficking children and women and the other one trading drugs"said Itachi
"So what's your plan itachi-san?"asked Naruto
"Well your here for a reason because of your nine tails chakara you can make tons of clones and can do transformation jutsu for a longer period of time than any normal ninja so I want you to be the bate but not the really you use your clone jutsu"said Itachi
"How clones do you need!!"said Naruto
"I need only three"said Itachi
"Okay explain the mission itachi-san!"said Naruto who was as ready as ever
"Okay here's the plan you turn into a child and let them catch you while the other clone will look after your clone child and the another clone will try to catch the drug dealer by making a deal with them and the real you and I will overall view it!"said Itachi
"Thats a solid plan but how will we get evidence?"asked Naruto
"As i said before there are two companies but they are joined together and in the middle there is the leaders office were all the information are kept but inorder to go inside the office you can only enter it through the drug dealing side but inorder to open the door of the office you have to go inside the security room of the trafficking side"said Itachi
"Okay but what will happen if we get caught and they destroy my clone"said Naruto
"Thats why I'll be going in the office while you'll be looking after the trafficking side!"said Itachi and Naruto nooded

And after discussing and having breakfast they started to changed into their anbu clothes to start their mission and when they were about to leave someone called them

"Naruto-kun! Itachi-san!"said nau
"Oh nau!! Why are you here?"asked Naruto
"I'm here to help!!"said nau
"But we already sorted out our plan"said Itachi
"Really..I'm late.."said nau
"Don't worry nau will be with me right itachi-san?!"asked Naruto
"It's fine I guess"said Itachi as he glared at nau

And after that Naruto made 3 clones and one of the clones turn into a child and started to roam in the village and one of the Naruto clone followed the child in the shadows
Real Naruto and one of his clone with nau and Itachi made their way to the other side of the village and they saw a guy with a bag full of drugs
"Heres the stuff make sure to deliver it"said a guy ashe handover a suitcase to the other guy
"Roger that!"said the other guy and suddenly both of them were knock out by nau and Itachi
"Naruto turn into one of these guys and hers the suitcase"said Itachi as he handover the suitcase to one of Naruto clone
"Okay itachi-san let's go!"said Naruto clone who turned into a guy
"Okay nau Naruto i want you guys to go to the trafficking side and when you go inside the security room there will be a vault and inside the vault there will be a button press it"said Itachi as he and one of Naruto clone left
"Okay! Nau let's go we can do it!"said Naruto as he left with nau to the other side of the village

I'm sorry guys if this short but I'm stopping here cause of how the story board is going! So I hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to check out my other stories too 😁😁❤️

Over and out

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