✨Hospital Visit✨

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"Aiden.. Damian.. Shaun.. Andy.." Nara softly called for the four youngest as she just got back from the hospital to check on Mark and Haechan who got admitted for a week due to overly fatigued. She searched for them around the room until she found them sleeping in their room with Johnny.

Nara smiled and slowly closed the door as she went to the pantry to prepare their lunch. As she was prepping, a knock on the door was heard and Nara quickly washed her hands before rushing to open the door. Opening the door, someone suddenly slumped toward her as he fainted, causing her to quickly catch him before she could recognize who it was. Nara pulled him in and laid him on the floor before two more came and fainted at the door frame.

"Ryan?" She gasped when she finally recognized who they were and quickly dragged the other two in before closing the door. Nara tried not to panic, ran to the bathroom to get a basin of cold water and a few cloth, and wiped their faces and put it on their foreheads to lower their body temperature as she felt they were burning up. Good thing they weren't wearing their jackets and in their practice clothing. Nara increased the fan speed to help them to cool down a little and decreasing it after a few minutes. "Why did you told me or your managers that you're having a fever? You guys really got me scared."

The three of them were breathing through their mouths, sweating and groaning in pain. Nara was in tears as she changed the damp cloth on their foreheads and gently massaged Jaemin's back when she saw him twitched in pain before getting a heat pad to place it under him.

"We're sorry, 누나..." The three softly mumbled, forcing their strength to say something to her. "We thought it could go away after some medications." Renjun added while the other nodded before regretting it as they felt a sharp throbbing pain from the movement.

"The three of you just rest. Don't move too much, ok?" She caressed their hair before taking out her phone to inform their managers and went to the pantry to make a phone call. "Hey... I really can't make it to the studio this week... I know the dateline is near, but 9 of the kids are sick... I know... Please? I'll pull an all-nighter next week if we have to and I won't complain... Thanks, Dan."

Like magic, the three young adults turned to their 4 year old self before one of them cried and it was the youngest of the three. Jaemin whimpered as he saw her exiting the pantry, having his arms raised as he called for her.

"Nana's back owie..." He whimpered and made a grabby gesture at her. Nara softly smiled and walked to him before slowly engulfing him in a hug as she massaged his back gently. "Nana sick... Nono sick... Junnie sick... Minmin sick... Channie sick.. Lele sick... Jisunggie sick..." He mumbled as he continued whimpering and Nara just nodded, patting his back gently while slowly rocking him side to side.

"Mama will take care of all of you, ok?" She replied and the 4 year old hummed. "Nana has to eat medmed too, ok?" He immediately whined at the mention of eating medicine as Jaemin is one of the Littles that dislike taking the bitter substance even when he has to. He'll take vitamins but not medicine. Nara will always have to chase him around to get him to take it, she even had to feed his bunny first in order for him to take it. "Mama promised Nana will get better after medmed, ok?" Nara let out a soft giggle when he mumbled something before nodding.

Then, one by one she carried the 4 year old to the big Littles' room, starting from the youngest to oldest, to let them rest and reminded herself to have it sterilized tomorrow. When they were comfortable and went to sleep, Nara checked their temperature again just to make sure and continued on making their lunch.

"So the J triplet too?" Johnny asked as he walked to the pantry yawning after taking a peek at the three 4 years old. Nara just let out a heavy sigh before nodding. "That's a first. First, the soulmates, then the twins, now the J triplet. We never had 9 kids being sick at the same time."

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