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I woke up. I was laying on the couch.

wait, why am I sleeping on the couch?

everything then came back to me and I got up. I saw minho sitting on a chair and just staring into the table.

"Minho?" I said

he didn't react

"Minho!" I said louder

he snapped back to existence and looked at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him

"N-no, everything is alright." he said, moving his eyes back to the table

"Did you sleep?" I asked him

"Yeah of course."

I knew he was lying. There were little dark circles under his eyes and he looked like mess.

"Minho go take a shower and splash yourself with a cold water to help you get up." I said

He looked at me, for a while he was just staring at me. He finally nodded and went to take a shower.

I woke Ari up and because I suck at cooking I gave her some cereals for breakfast. I then went to my room and got ready. When I came downstairs, Minho was sitting on the couch next to Ari. I noticed Minho was zoned out and didn't even talk to Ari

What happened with Minho? he wasn't himself.

When he heard me come downstairs, he snapped back to reality.

"Let's go." he said and got up.

"oppaaa let's gooo!" Ari said and took me by my wrist. She took me a really bad way and she was putting a lot of pressure on my scars. It hurted a little bit, but I tried to forget about it.

"Ari let go of his hand." Minho said to Ari when he looked at us.

"Whyyy, we will be late!" Ari said

Minho looked like he snapped back to reality again, even tho he wasn't even zooned out.

What is happening?

"Let go of his hand so I can carry you to kindergarten." He said

She happily nodded and went to him.
I quickly touched my wrist to quickly stop the pain. i then took Ari's bag and we took her to the kindergarten.


I didn't sleep the whole night, thinking about possible answers.

Why would he do that to himself?

I occasionally looked at him to make sure he was sleeping. I looked at his wrist again once. Then I was just thinking.

"Minho!" I heard

I finally snapped and looked at the direction of the voice. Jisung was up

"Is something wrong?" He asked me

Yes, there is

"N-no, everything is alright."

"Did you sleep?" he asked

No, I thought about all ways I could help you

"Yeah of course."

He didn't look convinced.

"Minho go take a shower and splash yourself with a cold water to help you get up."

I looked at him and just stared at him

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