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The wind brushed through her hair as she leaned out of the open car window and looked at the passing skyscrapers from the bridge they were driving on.

Was all of this real? Where was her friend?

At that moment, Dilara decided that she would not surrender defenselessly to the circumstances. She would work on her skills and strengthen herself to survive the games and find her friend - in order to return to the real world together with her.

The look in her eyes changed at that moment. Her facial expressions showed determination and courage, her eyes glimmering in anticipaton.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by fractions of loud music. Confused, she turned away from the window and looked over to Kuina, who was randomly pressing buttons on the car's radio.

"Damn thing!" She cursed while smacking the radio in oder to get in working properly.
In the process, she briefly lost control of the steering wheel, causing the car to drift off.

At the last second, she managed to grab the steering wheel and get the car back under her control. They skimmed over a pothole, the sudden impact made the two women scream in shock and got the radio to work. I started blasting "where them girls at" at full volume.

"Eyes on the road!" Dilara shouted in an attempt to drown out the music. Kuina looked at her, slightly annoyed.

🎶 "You got a BFF, I want to see that girl, it's all women invited
Hair do's and nails, that Louis, Chanel all up in the party" 🎶

Both looked at each other with an irritated face. Kuina was the first to burst out into loud laughter. The situation was so strange and the lyrics so unfitting that the moment could be straight out of a comedy movie.

Kuina suddenly started singing along loudly while driving.

🎶 So many boys in here, where do I begin?
I see this one, I'm 'bout to go in  🎶

Dilara rolled her eyes, but soon she could hardly hold back her amusement. Moments later, they could both be seen singing loudly in the car, cruising through the abandoned streets.

🎶 Where them girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends! 🎶


His eyes narrowed to slits while he watched a car rushing past, which disturbed the silence of the night with its booming music. The rabbit he was about to shoot noticed the noise and immediately escaped into the bushes.

"There goes my only chance for a meal," he said in an irritated tone.

He noticed the two girls in the car who were causing all the noise.

"Damn rookies"...

He shouldered his rifle and continued his search for food and resources. His current mood could clearly be seen on his face - he was frowning and muttering curses while making his way through the wildered and abandoned streets.

"Those damn girls, fooling around while everyone else is focusing on trying survive..."

He opened the door of an oldtimer and got on the drivers seat, starting the engine while feeling frustrated. He immidiately drove off and started tracking the troublemakers, the gas pedal pressed down completely. After only a short time, he noticed the rear lights of the car.

However, they did not seem to notice him because of all the singing and laughter that was going on.

Furious, he tried to drive as close to the car as possible, pointing his rifle out of the window and gesturing the girls to stop. This attracted the attention of the two women. Shocked, they tore the steering wheel around and tried to escape, but the man overtook them within seconds, only to completely cut off their way shortly afterwards.

Cocking his gun, he made his way out of the car and approached the frightened girls.

„Get out. NOW."

The two women followed his instructions and left the car while holding their breath.

„What the HELL do you think you're doing?!"

„Having.... fun?" the shorter woman replied, raising an eyebrow at the man. She tried to hide her emotions with confidence, crossing her arms without breaking eye contact.

„There's no such thing as „fun" in the borderlands. Now get in!"

He gestured towards the backseat of his car.

„Make us."

The woman still didn't seem to move. That was until the man took a sudden step in her direction, the rifle pointed at her head.

„I'm not going to repeat myself." Despite the situation, the man's deep voice stayed calm. Menacing, indeed, but still calm and collected.

The women got in the car reluctantly, followed by the man who immidiately started the engine and continued driving.

„Where are you taking us?"

„Somewhere where you'll get the chance to prove if you are worthy." he replied.

„Worthy of what? What does he mean?" one of the women whispered to the other, her face showing slight confusion.

„Worthy of becoming a resident."

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