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he was looking at me, still holding my cheeks. I was in shock.

Was that first kiss?

I wasn't panicking anymore, well, not for the same reason I was before.

He then embraced me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and we stayed like this for a while.

"If you get panic attack because of that dude, you have to move your seats." Minho said

"I dont think that the teacher will allow that."

"Just ask her. They have to take your condition in question." he said

I nodded.

"Can you stand up?" he asked me

"Of course I can." I said and i started standing up.

But just then my leg twisted and I almost fell again, but Minho caught me

This isn't the first time something like this happened. I'm getting dejavú.

His first hand was around my waist and his second held my back. He moved his second hand and started caressing my face. He stopped at my lips, his eyes went from my lips to my eyes, like he was asking for permission. I looked at his lips, which gave him his answer. He connected our lips once again.


I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I cared for jisung and I had a irresistible urge to kiss him. As I was caressing his lips, I looked into his eyes. He looked back and my stomach started twisting. Our faces were so close together I felt like I was about to die.

No way......did I.....have feelings for jisung?
I don't....right?

I kept staring into his eyes, questions booming inside my head.

Of course I don't like jisung....
....but I had to be sure

I kissed him again. I wanted to be sure. I didn't pressure the kiss, it was very gentle and comfortable. As we kept kissing, I then moved my body closer to him. He didn't have a reaction. As the kiss slowly started to deepen, I took his legs and picked him up. His legs wrapped themselves around my waist. Without breaking the kiss, I sat him up on the long ass think where the sinks were. The kiss was passionate and I could feel my legs starting to melt. His legs were still wrapped around my waist, his hands behind my neck, as I stood between his legs, my hands on his waist. I felt like exploding.

If anyone comes here right now, I will literally kill them.

After a few minutes, jisung pulled away.

Good, because I wouldn't be able to do that

"Shouldn't we go back?" He asked.
His cheeks were red


"Probably. Do you want to tho?" I asked, my forehead laying on his.

"I mean....this is school. We kind of have to go back there." He said

"Maybe." I said

This was one of the most romantic moments in my life, even tho me and jisung aren't dating and probably never will. The kiss was passionate, not forced. We both voluntarily kissed the other one, melting in the others touch. I could feel my legs slowly becoming weak as he slowly and passionately kissed me while having his legs wrapped around my waist, I could feel my stomach twisting, my heat beating.....everything I never felt before.

I don't know what we are, Han jisung.....
....but I know you're making me feel things

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